my fight to make a reasonable use of my M4 GPU continues.
macOS 15.1.1, Darwin 24.1.0
Julia: 1.11.2
LLVM: 16.0.6
Julia packages:
Metal.jl: 1.4.2
GPUArrays: 10.3.1
GPUCompiler: 0.27.8
KernelAbstractions: 0.9.31
ObjectiveC: 3.1.0
LLVM: 9.1.3
LLVMDowngrader_jll: 0.3.0+2
1 device:
Apple M4 Pro (48.953 MiB allocated)
I developed a simple optimization problem (more of an MWE than what I need to do). I observe an explosion in memory. Before giving you the not-so-minimal example let me explain what I see.
function trainmodel!(model::Model; nepochs=100, verbose=true)
opt = Flux.setup(Flux.Optimisers.Adam(0.1), model)
for it in 1:nepochs
grads = Flux.gradient(model) do m
verbose && println("it = $it |grad| = $(norm(grads[1].msa))")
Flux.Optimise.update!(opt, model, grads[1])
The crux of the problem is that without the GC.gc() command after update!, the memory explodes when I use MtlArray Arrays (explode = computer becomes unresponsive for large memory usage). For normal Arrays, there is no problem.
If you want to run the full thing is a bit complicated, but doable. I created the gist below:
To use it you should
julia> include("testmetal.jl"); using .TestMetal
julia> q,L,M = 21,53,10_000; modelgpu=TestMetal.Model(q,L,M,gpu=true); modelcpu=TestMetal.Model(q,L,M,gpu=false);
julia> TestMetal.trainmodel!(modelgpu,nepochs=100,verbose=true) # beware that this is where my computer becomes unresponsive