Unpack types in Union

I would like to extract a Vector{DataType} from a Union. I found the solution shown below, but it looks weird to me, and non-idiomatic.
Is there a better way to unpack types in a Union?

My solution:

unpack_union(tt::Core.TypeofBottom) = DataType[]
unpack_union(tt::DataType) = [tt]
unpack_union(tt::Union) = 
    [getfield(tt, :a), unpack_union(getfield(tt, :b))...]

providing the following results:

julia> unpack_union(Union{})

julia> unpack_union(Union{Int})
1-element Vector{DataType}:

julia> unpack_union(Union{Int, String})
2-element Vector{DataType}:

julia> unpack_union(Union{Int, String, Missing})
3-element Vector{DataType}:

and why is that you want to do this? making sure it’s not an XY problem…

Sorry, don’t know what is a XY problem…
Still, I think the question worth an answer (even if my problem could be solved differently…).

there are a lot of code smell you can do, doesn’t mean you should

Thank you, I didn’t knew it!

Indeed, I don’t want to. That’s why I asked what is the correct way to do it…

that’s why I asked what do you need this for?

I would like to keep the discussion focus on the topic, so forget about my proposed solution (which I really don’t like…) and think of it as simply:

Is there an idiomatic way to unpack types in a Union ?

Even “no” is an acceptable answer :wink:

the answer is you shouldn’t be doing that, so if it turns out you really need to, please show us the use case so people can help you.

OK, I can live with it. It’s not clear to me why such introspection should be discouraged or forbidden, given all the amazing Julia features (think about macros…)
But this is definitely not the point I’m interested in.

Thank you for your answer.

doesn’t look that horrible to me :slight_smile:
I would maybe hide everything behind another function:

function unpack_union(tt::Union)
    _unpack_union(tt::Core.TypeofBottom) = DataType[]
    _unpack_union(tt::DataType) = [tt]
    _unpack_union(tt::Union) = [getfield(tt, :a), _unpack_union(getfield(tt, :b))...]

Well, consider the following:

  • a Union is definitely not a structure, still you can use it in getfield;
  • propertynames() always returns two names (a and b), the second being a nested Union if more than two types ar involved;
  • the property names a and b to access the types in a Union are not documented in the manual (AFAIK).

Anyway good to know that it doesn’t sound horrible!

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I mean, you’re definitely depending upon internals — Unions can behave surprisingly and sometimes disappear entirely, depending on how they’re being generated. Defining dispatch on ::Union can be tricky (as you’ve found with TypeofBottom and such). You’re definitely well outside of what inference can possibly track, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

I’d try to reformulate your problem such that you don’t need to do this, if at all possible.