Unnecessary compilation happening on every call

Unfortunately not. At times, it seemed to go away for a while only to then reappear when I seemed to have only made minor changes, none of which should have explain its behaviour (for example a Pkg.update or a small change in some sub-function).

I started thinking about wrapping the code as a module to hopefully get benefits from pre-compilation. But I cannot say that my attempts thus far has solved the issue.

While looking at pre-compilation, I found mention of

and the linked

Both of which are not slightly outdated, but they seemed to indicate a way to see what is being compiled. Maybe directly looking at

might give clues.

Those links will likely be my next course of action to resolve this, but in the meantime I’m looking at more immediate problems and leaving this in the hope that it will be resolved with a newer release or inputs from someone else will be the key to solving it. Or refactoring to remove keyword arguments in the hope it will then go away as well with a simpler function signature.

If you learn anymore more, please share on what you have found out.