I was digging through my ~/.julia/dev/
folder and found this package which I worked on about a year ago.
using UnitfulColors
using Unitful, Plots, UnitfulRecipes, Latexify, UnitfulLatexify
λ = (500:700)u"nm";
I = 1.3u"W/m^2"*exp.(-(λ .- 610u"nm").^2 ./ (50u"nm")^2);
plot(λ, I; st=:scatter, unitformat=latexify, color=colormatch.(λ), label=nothing, xguide="\\lambda", yguide="I", fontfamily="Computer Modern")
It also does light frequency and temperature (two different ways). I think it’s cute.
Do you see a use of this? Should I register it, or can you think of another package where it would fit?