Okay this is probably my worst instance of Yak shaving yet, but I have now turned this into a new package:
Rather than using a Dict{Symbol,Bool}
as above, it uses a fixed struct to store dimensions. There are 7 fields in this struct, corresponding to the 7 SI units.
Here’s the README:
This defines a simple statically-typed Quantity
type for Julia.
Physical dimensions are stored as a value, as opposed to a parametric type, as in Unitful.jl.
This is done to allow for calculations where physical dimensions are not known at compile time.
DynamicUnits can greatly outperform Unitful
when the compiler cannot infer dimensions in a function:
julia> using BenchmarkTools, DynamicUnits; import Unitful
julia> dyn_uni = Quantity(0.2, mass=1, length=0.5, amount=3)
0.2 𝐋 ¹ᐟ² 𝐌 ¹ 𝐍 ³
julia> unitful = convert(Unitful.Quantity, dyn_uni)
0.2 kg m¹ᐟ² mol³
julia> f(x) = x ^ rand(1:10) * 0.3;
julia> @btime f($dyn_uni);
80.449 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime f($unitful);
29.666 μs (42 allocations: 1.91 KiB)
(Note the μ and n.)
Here, the DynamicUnits quantity object allows the compiler to build a function that is type stable,
while the Unitful quantity object, which stores its dimensions in the type, requires type inference at runtime.
However, if the dimensions in your function can be inferred by the compiler,
then you are better off using Unitful:
julia> g(x) = x ^ 2 * 0.3;
julia> @btime g($dyn_uni);
56.317 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime g($unitful);
1.958 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
While both of these are type stable,
because Unitful parametrizes the type on the dimensions, functions can specialize
to units and the compiler can optimize away units from the code.
You can create a Quantity
object with a value and keyword arguments for the powers of the physical dimensions
, length
, time
, current
, temperature
, luminosity
, amount
julia> x = Quantity(0.3, mass=1, length=0.5)
0.3 𝐋 ¹ᐟ² 𝐌 ¹
julia> y = Quantity(10.2, mass=2, time=-2)
10.2 𝐌 ² 𝐓 ⁻²
Elementary calculations with +, -, *, /, ^, sqrt, cbrt
are supported:
julia> x * y
3.0599999999999996 𝐋 ¹ᐟ² 𝐌 ³ 𝐓 ⁻²
julia> x / y
0.029411764705882353 𝐋 ¹ᐟ² 𝐌 ⁻¹ 𝐓 ²
julia> x ^ 3
0.027 𝐋 ³ᐟ² 𝐌 ³
julia> x ^ -1
3.3333333333333335 𝐋 ⁻¹ᐟ² 𝐌 ⁻¹
julia> sqrt(x)
0.5477225575051661 𝐋 ¹ᐟ⁴ 𝐌 ¹ᐟ²
julia> x ^ 1.5
0.1643167672515498 𝐋 ³ᐟ⁴ 𝐌 ³ᐟ²
Each of these values has the same type, thus obviating the need for type inference at runtime.
Furthermore, we can do dimensional analysis automatically:
julia> x + 3 * x
1.2 𝐋 ¹ᐟ² 𝐌 ¹
julia> x + y
We can see the second one has valid(quantity) == false
. This doesn’t throw an error by default, as it allows for stable return values.
The dimensions of a Quantity
can be accessed either with dimension(quantity)
for the entire Dimensions
julia> dimension(x)
𝐋 ¹ᐟ² 𝐌 ¹
or with umass
, ulength
, etc., for the various dimensions:
julia> umass(x)
julia> ulength(x)
Finally, you can strip units with ustrip
julia> ustrip(x)
Despite the name, DynamicUnits does not actually work with units. Instead, it works with dimensions.
You can use Unitful to parse units, and use the DynamicUnits->Unitful extension for conversion:
julia> using Unitful: Unitful, @u_str
julia> x = 0.5u"km/s"
0.5 km s⁻¹
julia> y = convert(DynamicUnits.Quantity, x)
500.0 𝐋 ¹ 𝐓 ⁻¹
julia> y2 = y^2 * 0.3
75000.0 𝐋 ² 𝐓 ⁻²
julia> x2 = convert(Unitful.Quantity, y2)
75000.0 m² s⁻²
julia> x^2*0.3 == x2
There is not a separate class for vectors, but you can create units
like so:
julia> randn(5) .* Dimensions(mass=2/5, length=2)
5-element Vector{Quantity{Float64}}:
-0.6450221578668845 𝐋 ² 𝐌 ²ᐟ⁵
0.4024829670050946 𝐋 ² 𝐌 ²ᐟ⁵
0.21478863605789672 𝐋 ² 𝐌 ²ᐟ⁵
0.0719774550969669 𝐋 ² 𝐌 ²ᐟ⁵
-1.4231241943420674 𝐋 ² 𝐌 ²ᐟ⁵
Because it is type stable, you can have mixed units in a vector too:
julia> v = [Quantity(randn(), mass=rand(0:5), length=rand(0:5)) for _=1:5]
5-element Vector{Quantity{Float64}}:
2.2054411324716865 𝐌 ³
-0.01603602425887379 𝐋 ⁴ 𝐌 ³
2.382303019892503 𝐋 ² 𝐌 ¹
0.6071392594021706 𝐋 ⁴ 𝐌 ⁴