Unexpect results constructing a DArray

I have been playing with DistributedArrays recently and found the following result:

r1 = @spawnat 2 ones(Int64, 3, 2)
r2 = @spawnat 3 fill(5, (3,2))
r3 = @spawnat 2 fill(9, (3,2))
r4 = @spawnat 3 zeros(Int64, (3,2))
Drs = DArray([r1 r2
              r3 r4])
6×4 DArray{Int64,2,Array{Int64,2}}:
 1  1  5  5
 1  1  5  5
 1  1  5  5
 1  1  5  5
 1  1  5  5
 1  1  5  5

Figured I could create a DArray from different Futures in the same process, but it seems it repeats for some reason… Is this expected? Could I be doing something wrong here? Thanks!