Understanding the output of @code_warntype

Hi there,

I simulated some data which I stored as an Array{Observation} where Observation is a composite type that stores the elements of each observation. I then I wrote a function to compute the log-likelihood of the data as:

struct Observation{T}

# this function will generate the logit data for Q4 
function simulate_logit_data(; n_obs = 300000)
    # define the DGP 
    X1 = 1.0:0.01:10.0
    X2 = 18:0.01:65.0
    α = -1.0
    θ_1 = 0.5
    θ_2 = 0.02
    # pre-allocate the container for the data 
    data = Array{Observation}(undef, n_obs)
    for i in eachindex(data)
        x1 = rand(X1)
        x2 = rand(X2)
        u = rand()
        y = (α + θ_1*x2 + θ_2*x2 + log(u/(1-u)) > 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0
        data[i] = Observation(y, x1, x2)
    return data

function Xθ(θ, obs; f = fieldnames(Observation))
    result::Float64 = θ[1]
    for i in 2:length(f)
        result += θ[i]*getfield(obs, f[i])
    return result

# this function will compute the log-likelihood given a parameter space point 
function LL(θ, data)
    ll::Float64 = 0.0
    for i in eachindex(data)
        ll += -log(1+exp(Xθ(θ, data[i]))) + getfield(data[i], :y)*Xθ(θ, data[i])
    return ll

function main()
    data = simulate_logit_data()
    @btime LL($(rand(3)), $data)


But the performance is not as expected:

  1. I am getting a lot of allocations. I don’t seem to understand why this is happening.
julia> @btime LL($rand(3), $data)
  37.647 ms (2400002 allocations: 36.62 MiB)
  1. I tried to check for type stability using @code_warntype but I can not understand where the issues come. Here I attach a screenshot with partial output (due to space constraint) but which contains the two issues:
MethodInstance for LL(::Vector{Float64}, ::Vector{Observation})
  from LL(θ, data) @ Main REPL[12]:1
  @_4::Union{Nothing, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}
1 ──       Core.NewvarNode(:(@_4))
│          Core.NewvarNode(:(ll))
│          (@_7 = 0.0)
│    %4  = @_7::Core.Const(0.0)
│    %5  = (%4 isa Main.Float64)::Core.Const(true)
└───       goto #3 if not %5
2 ──       goto #4
3 ──       Core.Const(:(@_7))
│          Core.Const(:(Base.convert(Main.Float64, %8)))
│          Core.Const(:(Main.Float64))
└───       Core.Const(:(@_7 = Core.typeassert(%9, %10)))
4 ┄─ %12 = @_7::Core.Const(0.0)
│          (ll = %12)
│    %14 = Main.eachindex(data)::Base.OneTo{Int64}
│          (@_4 = Base.iterate(%14))
│    %16 = @_4::Union{Nothing, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}
│    %17 = (%16 === nothing)::Bool
│    %18 = Base.not_int(%17)::Bool
└───       goto #10 if not %18
5 ┄─ %20 = @_4::Tuple{Int64, Int64}
│          (i = Core.getfield(%20, 1))
│    %22 = Core.getfield(%20, 2)::Int64
│    %23 = Main.:+::Core.Const(+)
│    %24 = ll::Float64
│    %25 = Main.:+::Core.Const(+)
│    %26 = Main.:-::Core.Const(-)
│    %27 = Main.log::Core.Const(log)
│    %28 = Main.:+::Core.Const(+)
│    %29 = Main.exp::Core.Const(exp)
│    %30 = Main.Xθ::Core.Const(Main.Xθ)
│    %31 = i::Int64
│    %32 = Base.getindex(data, %31)::Observation
│    %33 = (%30)(θ, %32)::Float64
│    %34 = (%29)(%33)::Float64
│    %35 = (%28)(1, %34)::Float64
│    %36 = (%27)(%35)::Float64
│    %37 = (%26)(%36)::Float64
│    %38 = Main.:*::Core.Const(*)
│    %39 = Main.getfield::Core.Const(getfield)
│    %40 = i::Int64
│    %41 = Base.getindex(data, %40)::Observation
│    %42 = (%39)(%41, :y)::Any
│    %43 = Main.Xθ::Core.Const(Main.Xθ)
│    %44 = i::Int64
│    %45 = Base.getindex(data, %44)::Observation
│    %46 = (%43)(θ, %45)::Float64
│    %47 = (%38)(%42, %46)::Any
│    %48 = (%25)(%37, %47)::Any
│    %49 = (%23)(%24, %48)::Any
│          (@_8 = %49)
│    %51 = @_8::Any
│    %52 = (%51 isa Main.Float64)::Bool
└───       goto #7 if not %52
6 ──       goto #8
7 ── %55 = @_8::Any
│    %56 = Base.convert(Main.Float64, %55)::Any
│    %57 = Main.Float64::Core.Const(Float64)
└───       (@_8 = Core.typeassert(%56, %57))
8 ┄─ %59 = @_8::Float64
│          (ll = %59)
│          (@_4 = Base.iterate(%14, %22))
│    %62 = @_4::Union{Nothing, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}
│    %63 = (%62 === nothing)::Bool
│    %64 = Base.not_int(%63)::Bool
└───       goto #10 if not %64
9 ──       goto #5
10 ┄ %67 = ll::Float64
└───       return %67

thanks a lot in advance.

Hard to help if you don’t share a working example of the input data and the full printout of @code_warntype (you omitted the part relevant to the possibly problematic @_8::Any). Don’t share a screenshot of the REPL, copy and paste the text. If space is an issue even with the formatted scroll bar, you can put text in a Hide Details block for us to expand and collapse manually (click gear icon when writing a post/comment).

Right off the bat though, change to @btime LL($(rand(3)), $data) or use a setup to do rand(3) so you’re not profiling that call and its allocations. LL(::Vector{Float64}, ::Vector{Observation}) also seems like a problem for type stability, Observation is an abstract type. EDIT: now you shared the full @code_warntype, type instability does indeed start at:

│    %39 = Main.getfield::Core.Const(getfield)
│    %40 = i::Int64
│    %41 = Base.getindex(data, %40)::Observation
│    %42 = (%39)(%41, :y)::Any

It can’t infer a concrete type for the y field of the abstract Observation. Do you need the vector to hold any instance of Observation? Or is there a particular value for T in Vector{Observation{T}} you can set?


Oh I see. The compiler only knows data::Vector{Observation} and since its general it can’t infer. I do not need the T flexibility do I changed it to all fields being Float64 and now the Any red part of the @code_warntype output disappeared and:

@btime LL($(rand(3)), data)
  7.757 ms (1 allocation: 16 bytes)

Wow! Okay, I guess that gets rid of the alloctions thanks a lot.

Any clue about the @_4::Union{Nothing, Tuple{Int64, Int64}} yellow part?

That’s just an underlying iteration variable’s type inference. When the iterable runs out of elements, it has a value of nothing. In general you don’t have to worry about inferences of 2-3 element Unions, especially if they don’t propagate into larger ones or Any via multiple arguments in function calls. The compiler just duplicates the code into 2-3 type-stable branches if needed.

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Quick follow-up question if thats okay:

My gradient is type-stable but it causing a large number of allocations:

# compute the gradient 
function ∇LL(
            f = fieldnames(Observation)
    grad = zeros(length(θ))
    X = zeros(3)
    for i in eachindex(data)
        X .= map(x -> getfield(data[i], x), f)
        grad .+= (getfield(data[i], :y) - exp(Xθ(θ, data[i]))/(1+exp(Xθ(θ, data[i])))) * X
    return grad
@btime ∇LL($(rand(3)), $data)
  20.653 ms (600004 allocations: 22.89 MiB)

My understanding is that I am re-using the initial containers every time so why that many allocations?


This allocates. Either use broadcasting instead of map, such that it is fused with the broadcasted assignment, or don’t use broadcasting at all and just write a loop.

Same for the grad assignment in the loop: The RHS isn’t broadcasted and contains a vector scalar multiplication IIUC. This will allocate.


Thanks a lot!

I’d suggest some refactor to make code more generic and avoid explicit container allocation:

using Random

function simulate_logit_data(
    X1::AbstractVector{T} = 1.0:0.01:10.0,
    X2::AbstractVector{T} = 18:0.01:65.0,
    α::T = -1.0,
    θ_1::T = 0.5,
    θ_2::T = 0.02,
    n_obs = 300000,
    rng = copy(Random.default_rng()),
) where {T<:Real}
    data = map(1:n_obs) do _
        x1 = rand(rng, X1)
        x2 = rand(rng, X2)
        u = rand(rng)
        y = (α + θ_1*x2 + θ_2*x2 + log(u/(1-u)) > 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0
        return Observation(y, x1, x2)
    return data

function Xθ(θ, obs::Observation)
    return float(θ[1] + θ[2] * obs.x1 + θ[3] * obs.x2)

function LL(θ, data)
    ll = sum(data) do x
        -log(1+exp(Xθ(θ, x))) + x.y * Xθ(θ, x)
    return ll

And for the gradient,

function ∇LL(
    grad = fill!(similar(θ), 0) # ensure a mutable container
    for obs in data
        X = (obs.y, obs.x1, obs.x2)
        grad .+= (obs.y - exp(Xθ(θ, obs))/(1+exp(Xθ(θ, obs)))) .* X
    return grad