Understanding ModelingToolkit connectors and components


As discussed in Broadcast inside of `@mtkmodel` macro causes precompilation failures when put into a package - #11 by BambOoxX, I’m trying to define mtkmodels to model a moving rigid body submitted to some actions.
Although I could do everything by hand the purpose is to test the @mtkmodel syntax and see where the trouble comes.

In Mechanical Components · ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.jl there are nice simple components that show how to do most things, but I’ve reached a point where I understand the problems, but not the solutions.
Given that I’m using the latest syntax, it seems previous answers on related topics offer limited help.

Actual problem

What I am trying to do first is to setup a simulation of a ball submitted to its weight, ballistics 101, in a 3D space.
For that I’ve re-implemented 3D versions of serveral components from ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary. In need in particular, 3D versions of MechanicalPort, Force, Mass and Free. These are implemented below

# Example to demonstrate the trajectory of a moving mass in 3D using ModelingToolkit and modified ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary components
using ModelingToolkit, LinearAlgebra, DifferentialEquations
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks: RealInput
using GeometryBasics, GLMakie

@variables t
D = Differential(t)

@connector MechanicalPort3 begin
    v(t)[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Translational velocity of the node in [m/s]"]
    f(t)[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Force entering the node in [N]", connect = Flow]

@mtkmodel Force3 begin
    @parameters begin
        f_0[1:3] = zeros(3)
    @components begin
        node = MechanicalPort3()
        f = RealInput(; nin=3, u_start=f_0)
    @equations begin
        collect(node.f .~ -f.u)...

@mtkmodel Mass3 begin
    # Definition of the model icon
    #@icon "..."

    # Definition of the model parameters
    @parameters begin
        m, [description = "Mass of the moving rigid body in [kg]"]
        v_0[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Initial velocities in [m/s] along X, Y and Z axes of the rigid body"]
        s_0[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Initial positions in [m] along X, Y and Z axes of the rigid body"]
        f_0[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Initial forces in [N] along X, Y and Z axes entering the rigid body"]

    @components begin
        node = MechanicalPort3(v=v)

    @variables begin
        (s(t))[1:3] = s_0, [description = "Positions in [m] along X, Y and Z axes of the rigid body"]
        (v(t))[1:3] = v_0, [description = "Velocities in [m/s] along X, Y and Z axes of the rigid body"]
        (f(t))[1:3] = f_0, [description = "Forces in [N] along X, Y and Z axes entering the rigid body"]

    @equations begin
        collect(node.v .~ v)...
        collect(node.f .~ f)...
        collect(D.(s) .~ v)...
        collect(D.(v) .~ f ./ m)...

@mtkmodel Free3 begin
    @components begin
        node = MechanicalPort3()
    @variables begin
        f(t)[1:3] = zeros(3)
    @equations begin
        collect(node.f .~ f)...

Now I can actually instantiate my components with

@named mass = Mass3(m=1, v_0=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
@named g = Force3(f_0=[0.0, 0.0, -9.81])
@named free = Free3()

My problem comes when I try to make the connections to assemble my model.
I figured that the g and mass nodes should be connected together to obtain the proper results with

eqs = Equation[
    ModelingToolkit.connect(g.node, mass.node)

@named model = ODESystem(eqs, t, [mass.s; mass.v; mass.f],[];systems = [mass,g])
sys = structural_simplify(model)

However that leaves me with an ExtraVariablesException, so there is something I’m missing there, though I can’t figure what.
Nevertheless, if I add manually a relation between mass.f and g.f_0 with

eqs = Equation[
    collect(mass.f .~ g.f_0)...
    ModelingToolkit.connect(g.node, mass.node)

I get a seemingly correct behavior, while I would have though initially that connect would take care of this relation.
Could someone explain if I missed something in the components or in the way connections works ?

Ok so I think I managed to find the missing part. It does not seem to be enough to state a value for the external forcing directly, so I created an additional Constant3 block to handle such forcings. This, with some corrections based on ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.jl/src/Mechanical/TranslationalPosition/TranslationalPosition.jl at v2.3.4 · SciML/ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.jl · GitHub, gives

# Example to demonstrate the trajectory of a moving mass in 3D using ModelingToolkit and modified ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary components
using ModelingToolkit, LinearAlgebra, DifferentialEquations
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks: RealInput
using GeometryBasics, GLMakie

@variables t
D = Differential(t)

@connector Flange3 begin
    s(t)[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Translational position of the node in [m/s]"]
    f(t)[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Force entering the node in [N]", connect = Flow]

@mtkmodel Force3 begin
    @parameters begin
        f_0[1:3] = zeros(3)
    @components begin
        node = Flange3()
        f = RealInput(; nin=3, u_start=f_0)
    @equations begin
        collect(node.f .~ -f.u)...

@mtkmodel Fixed3 begin
    @parameters begin
        s = zeros(3)
    @components begin
        node = Flange3(; s=s)
    @equations begin
        collect(node.s .~ s)...

@mtkmodel Free3 begin
    @components begin
        node = MechanicalPort3()
    @variables begin
        f(t)[1:3] = zeros(3)
    @equations begin
        collect(node.f .~ f)...

@mtkmodel Constant3 begin
    @components begin
        output = RealOutput(; nout=3)
    @parameters begin
        k[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Constant output value of block"]
    @equations begin
        collect(output.u .~ k)...

@mtkmodel Mass3 begin
    # Definition of the model icon
    #@icon "..."

    # Definition of the model parameters
    @parameters begin
        m, [description = "Mass of the moving rigid body in [kg]"]

    @variables begin
        (s(t))[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Positions in [m] along X, Y and Z axes of the rigid body"]
        (v(t))[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Velocities in [m/s] along X, Y and Z axes of the rigid body"]
        (f(t))[1:3] = zeros(3), [description = "Forces in [N] along X, Y and Z axes entering the rigid body"]

    @components begin
        node = Flange3(; s=s)

    @equations begin
        collect(node.s .~ s)...
        collect(node.f .~ f)...
        collect(D.(s) .~ v)...
        collect(D.(v) .~ f ./ m)...

@mtkmodel SpringDamper3 begin
    @parameters begin
        k, [description = "Spring stiffness in [N/m]"]
        c, [description = "Damper viscous damping in [N/m]"]
        l0, [description = "Spring length at rest in [m]"]

    @components begin
        origin_node = Flange3()
        target_node = Flange3()

    @variables begin
        l(t), [description = "Spring length in [m]"]
        v(t), [description = "Damper velocity in [m]"]
        dir(t)[1:3], [description = "Spring direction"]

    @equations begin
        D(l) ~ v
        l ~ norm(collect(target_node.s .- origin_node.s))
        collect(dir .~ collect(target_node.s .- origin_node.s) ./ l)...
        collect(f .~ k .* collect(dir) .* (l - l0) + c .* collect(dir) .* v)...
        collect(origin_node.f .~ .+f)...
        collect(target_node.f .~ .-f)...

@named mass = Mass3(m=1, s=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
@named springdamper = SpringDamper3(k=10, l0=0.5, c=2)
@named fix = Fixed3(s=[1.0; -1.0; 2.0])
@named g = Force3()
@named sig = Constant3(k=[0.0; 0.0; -9.81])

eqs = Equation[
    ModelingToolkit.connect(sig.output, g.f)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(g.node, mass.node)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(springdamper.target_node, mass.node)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(springdamper.origin_node, fix.node)

@named model = ODESystem(eqs, t, [], []; systems=[mass, fix, springdamper, g, sig])
sys = structural_simplify(model)

At that point, the structural_simplify works and gives as expected 6 degrees of freedom, 3 positions and 3 velocities.

However, if I try to solve that, it fails on some sort of broadcasting.

initial_conditions = reduce(vcat, [collect(mass.s .=> [0.0, 1.0, -0.1]), collect(mass.v .=> [0.5, 1.0, 0.0])])
prob = ODEProblem(sys, initial_conditions, (0.0, 100.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8, saveat=0:0.1:200)

leads to

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching +(::Vector{Float64}, ::Float64)
For element-wise addition, use broadcasting with dot syntax: array .+ scalar
Closest candidates are:
+(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any…)
@ Base operators.jl:578
+(::T, ::T) where T<:Union{Float16, Float32, Float64}
@ Base float.jl:408
+(::AbstractAlgebra.MatrixElem{T}, ::Union{AbstractFloat, Integer, Rational}) where T<:AbstractAlgebra.NCRingElement

@ChrisRackauckas I’m using ModelingToolkit v8.73.2, do you think it is the same bug as in Broadcast inside of `@mtkmodel` macro causes precompilation failures when put into a package - #11 by BambOoxX or something else ?

@ChrisRackauckas Given that I was not sure if this was due to the lack of array support for such models, I also rewrote my case by composing three 1D block per 3D block but then I get a ExtraEquationSystemException so I must over constraining my 3D blocks. What strategy would you consider the best suited for such multidimensional analysis ?

For now, using them with @mtkmacro is just suspect. It’s early and doesn’t support all of the array stuff at this point. That coverage is increasing daily so any rule of thumb would be wrong too quickly other than, symbolic arrays need more work for now.

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Thanks @ChrisRackauckas, so for the moment I tried producing 3D blocks based on the 1D components in ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary. However my system blocks on structural_simplif seemingly due to the Spring3 definition. After checking multiple times and testing different implementations, I can’t figure why structural_simplify finds extra equations. Could you explain ?
The structural_simplify suggests the following extra equations

0 ~ springdamper₊origin₊x₊f(t)
0 ~ springdamper₊origin₊y₊f(t)
0 ~ springdamper₊origin₊z₊f(t)
0 ~ springdamper₊target₊x₊f(t)
0 ~ springdamper₊target₊y₊f(t)
0 ~ springdamper₊target₊z₊f(t)

but none of them should hold. Is there a way to expand the connect calls to see exactly what relations are actually built ?

The MWE is the following

# Example to demonstrate the trajectory of a moving mass in 3D using ModelingToolkit and modified ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary components
using ModelingToolkit, LinearAlgebra, DifferentialEquations
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.TranslationalPosition
import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.TranslationalPosition: Fixed
using GeometryBasics, GLMakie

@variables t
D = Differential(t)

@connector Flange3 begin
    @components begin
        x = Flange()
        y = Flange()
        z = Flange()

@mtkmodel Force3 begin
    @parameters begin
        f_x_0 = 0.0
        f_y_0 = 0.0
        f_z_0 = 0.0
        use_support = false
    @components begin
        x = Force(s=f_x_0)
        y = Force(s=f_y_0)
        z = Force(s=f_z_0)

@mtkmodel Fixed3 begin
    @parameters begin
        s_0_x = 0.0
        s_0_y = 0.0
        s_0_z = 0.0
    @components begin
        x = Fixed(; s_0=s_0_x)
        y = Fixed(; s_0=s_0_y)
        z = Fixed(; s_0=s_0_z)

@mtkmodel Free begin
    @components begin
        flange = Flange()
    @variables begin
        f(t) = 0.0
    @equations begin
        flange.f ~ f

@mtkmodel Free3 begin
    @components begin
        x = Free()
        y = Free()
        z = Free()

@mtkmodel Constant3 begin
    @parameters begin
        k_x = 0.0
        k_y = 0.0
        k_z = 0.0
    @components begin
        x = Constant(k=k_x)
        y = Constant(k=k_y)
        z = Constant(k=k_z)

@mtkmodel Mass3 begin
    @parameters begin
        s_0_x = 0.0
        s_0_y = 0.0
        s_0_z = 0.0
        v_0_x = 0.0
        v_0_y = 0.0
        v_0_z = 0.0
        f_0_x = 0.0
        f_0_y = 0.0
        f_0_z = 0.0
    @components begin
        x = Mass(; m=m, s=s_0_x, v=v_0_x, f=f_0_x)
        y = Mass(; m=m, s=s_0_y, v=v_0_y, f=f_0_y)
        z = Mass(; m=m, s=s_0_z, v=v_0_z, f=f_0_z)

@mtkmodel SpringDamper3 begin
    @parameters begin
        k, [description = "Spring stiffness in [N/m]"]
        c, [description = "Damper viscous damping in [N/m]"]
        l0, [description = "Spring length at rest in [m]"]

    @components begin
        origin = Flange3()
        target = Flange3()

    @variables begin
        f(t) = k * (l - l0)

    @equations begin
        l ~ sqrt(abs2(target.x.s - origin.x.s) + abs2(target.y.s - origin.y.s) + abs2(target.z.s - origin.z.s))
        f ~ k * (l - l0)
        origin.x.f ~ f * (target.x.s - origin.x.s) / l
        origin.y.f ~ f * (target.y.s - origin.y.s) / l
        origin.z.f ~ f * (target.z.s - origin.z.s) / l
        target.x.f ~ -f * (target.x.s - origin.x.s) / l
        target.y.f ~ -f * (target.y.s - origin.y.s) / l
        target.z.f ~ -f * (target.z.s - origin.z.s) / l

@named mass = Mass3(m=1, s_0_x=0.0, s_0_y=0.0, s_0_z=0.0)
@named springdamper = SpringDamper3(k=10, l0=0.5, c=2)
@named fix = Fixed3(s_0_x=1.0, s_0_y=-1.0, s_0_z=2)
@named free = Free3()
@named g = Force3()
@named sig = Constant3(k_z=-9.81)

eqs = Equation[
    ModelingToolkit.connect(sig.x.output, g.x.f)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(sig.y.output, g.y.f)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(sig.z.output, g.z.f)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(springdamper.target.x, mass.x.flange, g.x.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(springdamper.target.y, mass.y.flange, g.y.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(springdamper.target.z, mass.z.flange, g.z.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(fix.x.flange, springdamper.origin.x)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(fix.y.flange, springdamper.origin.y)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(fix.z.flange, springdamper.origin.z)

@named model = ODESystem(eqs, t; systems=[mass, fix, springdamper, g, sig])
sys = structural_simplify(model)

expand_connections IIRC

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Yes, that seems to be it, thanks. This is exactly what I needed. So now I use this to compare expanded and non-expanded connections. I’ve isolated the springdamper to make things clearer.

I have two questions here

  • I suppose the additional equations added by expand_connections are supposed to handle the equilibrium of a Flange i.e. sum of all forces = 0. Can you confirm ?

  • Why are there double equations ? I would have expected 3 equilibrium condition per flange, but here I get 6 of them. Doing the same comparison with s simple Spring component yields as expected only 2 equations with expansion…

equations(expand_connections(springdamper)) gives

20-element Vector{Equation}:
 springdamper₊l(t) ~ sqrt(abs2(springdamper₊target₊y₊s(t) - springdamper₊origin₊y₊s(t)) + abs2(-springdamper₊origin₊z₊s(t) + springdamper₊target₊z₊s(t)) + abs2(-springdamper₊origin₊x₊s(t) + springdamper₊target₊x₊s(t)))
 springdamper₊f(t) ~ springdamper₊k*(-springdamper₊l0 + springdamper₊l(t))
 springdamper₊origin₊x₊f(t) ~ ((-springdamper₊origin₊x₊s(t) + springdamper₊target₊x₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 springdamper₊origin₊y₊f(t) ~ ((springdamper₊target₊y₊s(t) - springdamper₊origin₊y₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 springdamper₊origin₊z₊f(t) ~ ((-springdamper₊origin₊z₊s(t) + springdamper₊target₊z₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 springdamper₊target₊x₊f(t) ~ ((springdamper₊origin₊x₊s(t) - springdamper₊target₊x₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 springdamper₊target₊y₊f(t) ~ ((-springdamper₊target₊y₊s(t) + springdamper₊origin₊y₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 springdamper₊target₊z₊f(t) ~ ((springdamper₊origin₊z₊s(t) - springdamper₊target₊z₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊origin₊x₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊origin₊y₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊origin₊z₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊target₊x₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊target₊y₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊target₊z₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊origin₊x₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊origin₊y₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊origin₊z₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊target₊x₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊target₊y₊f(t)
 0 ~ springdamper₊target₊z₊f(t)

while equations(springdamper) gives

8-element Vector{Equation}:
 springdamper₊l(t) ~ sqrt(abs2(springdamper₊target₊y₊s(t) - springdamper₊origin₊y₊s(t)) + abs2(-springdamper₊origin₊z₊s(t) + springdamper₊target₊z₊s(t)) + abs2(-springdamper₊origin₊x₊s(t) + springdamper₊target₊x₊s(t)))
 springdamper₊f(t) ~ springdamper₊k*(-springdamper₊l0 + springdamper₊l(t))
 springdamper₊origin₊x₊f(t) ~ ((-springdamper₊origin₊x₊s(t) + springdamper₊target₊x₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 springdamper₊origin₊y₊f(t) ~ ((springdamper₊target₊y₊s(t) - springdamper₊origin₊y₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 springdamper₊origin₊z₊f(t) ~ ((-springdamper₊origin₊z₊s(t) + springdamper₊target₊z₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 springdamper₊target₊x₊f(t) ~ ((springdamper₊origin₊x₊s(t) - springdamper₊target₊x₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 springdamper₊target₊y₊f(t) ~ ((-springdamper₊target₊y₊s(t) + springdamper₊origin₊y₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)
 springdamper₊target₊z₊f(t) ~ ((springdamper₊origin₊z₊s(t) - springdamper₊target₊z₊s(t))*springdamper₊f(t)) / springdamper₊l(t)

Hi, I’ve found what I’ve been doing incorrectly, except from a sign error somewhere, I defined Flange3 using @connector which doubles the equilibrium equations, changing that to @mtkmodel works just fine.
Thanks for the help @ChrisRackauckas, do you think this type of redundant equations could be avoided with structural_simplify ?

They should get eliminated. If not, you can open an issue that highlights what you think should be eliminated but isn’t and we can investigate why.

Ok, thanks. I’ll set up an issue.

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