Hi, I’m trying to save a large DataFrame. Long story short, only the CSV and Feather packages seem to work at all, but I would prefer Arrow or Parquet. I’ve installed Parquet.jl and Arrow.jl, but they fail to work. I assume I messed something up.
It can’t even find Parquet.write_parquet, while Arrow.write(path, df) gives the following error: MethodError: no method matching write(::IOStream, ::DataFrame)
I suspect some of your packages are holding it back
]status to see what version of Parquet.jl you have. i suspect something like Feather.jl is holding you back from getting the latest version of Parquet.jl
Remove Feather.jl first like ]rm Feather.
Now, also if you only want to use the data from Julia and not worry about future breaking changes you can try JDF.jl which saves the data quite quickly.