I have (x,y) coordinates pairs saved in two Excel woorksheets, within the same file (workbook).
I’m trying to plot a scatter plot by looping through
using XLSX
using Plots
# reading Excel file's worksheets specific ranges
coordX = XLSX.readdata("data.xlsx", "x", "B3:QU202")
coordY = XLSX.readdata("data.xlsx", "y", "B3:QU202")
# coordX and coordY are of equal size (200, 462)
(m, n) = size(coordX);
plot(0, 0, label="Key Plan")
for r in 1:m
for c in 1:n
plot!((coordX[r,c], coordY[r,c]), seriestype=:scatter)
This doesn’t work and I do not understand why. I tried both VSCode and REPL/terminal. VSCode shows the Julia: Evaluating...
line in the status bar for a while, then simply stops. REPL just hangs indefinitely (= for hours) until I interrupt it.
Ending the code with the plot(0, 0, label="Key Plan")
line produces the empty plot with the label, but continuing from there I am unable to update this initial plot with the scatter points. coordX
and coordY
are 200x462 Matrix{Any}
Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong? Thank you.