Typemax for T <: Integer if T can be BigInt?

I am trying to keep a function generic with regard to its integer arguments. One of the function portions is

if  n > typemax(T) ÷ k

and since T is Integer and could be BigInt, I would like a suggestion what to do about

julia> typemax(BigInt)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching typemax(::Type{BigInt})

There are at least two approaches. One will be more appropriate. To write the function so BigInts are not accepted but all other built-in Integer types (or so all other built-in Signed Integer types) are accepted:

function for_builtin_fixedsize_integers(x::Base.BitInteger) ...
function for_builtin_fixedsuze_signedintegers(x::Base.BitSigned) ...

To accept BigInts and avoid the error that typemax(BigInt) triggers
(a) rewrite your function so typemax(T) is not used
(b) rewrite your function so typemax(BigInt) is avoided
consider using

const MaxBigInt = # whatever you choose
function avoids_error(x) # or (x::Signed) or (x::Integer)
   # code
   maxint = x isa BigInt ?  MaxBigInt : typemax(typeof(x))
   # code

or an approach similar to

function avoids_error(x) # or (x::Signed) or (x::Integer)
   # code
   maxint = x isa BigInt ?  x^2: typemax(typeof(x))
   # code

You can use the Base.hastypemax trait, in order to conditionally make a check only for bounded integer types, e.g.

if  hastypemax(T) && n > typemax(T) ÷ k

Note that Base.hastypemax is currently not public API, there is an issue on this: Rational of `Base.hastypemax(BigInt)` (not exported) vs `typemax(BigInt) = Inf` · Issue #39344 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub.