Type stability using reduce

I’d like to better understand how to ensure type stability when applying a reduce operation on a collection. In the example below, the CrossProd type maintains a collection of objects that represent a “cross product”, which are assembled using the cross method:

abstract type Atom end
struct Cd <: Atom
struct CrossProd{T<:Tuple{Vararg{Atom}}} <: Atom
cross(A::Atom, B::Atom) = CrossProd(tuple(A,B))
cross(A::CrossProd, B::Atom) = CrossProd(tuple(A.a..., B))
cross(A::Atom, B::CrossProd) = CrossProd(tuple(A, B.a...))
cross(A::CrossProd, B::CrossProd) = CrossProd(tuple(A.a..., B.a...))

If a fixed number of atoms is collected into a tuple, the result is type stable:

function testcross()
    nc = (Cd(1), Cd(2))
    nc2 = reduce(cross, nc)
julia> @code_warntype testcross()

  #self#::Core.Compiler.Const(testcross, false)

1 ─ %1 = Main.Cd(1)::Core.Compiler.Const(Cd(1), false)
│   %2 = Main.Cd(2)::Core.Compiler.Const(Cd(2), false)
│        (nc = Core.tuple(%1, %2))
│   %4 = Main.reduce(Main.cross, nc::Core.Compiler.Const((Cd(1), Cd(2)), false))::Core.Compiler.Const(CrossProd{Tuple{Cd,Cd}}((Cd(1), Cd(2))), false)
│        (nc2 = %4)
└──      return %4

Now suppose we wish to collect an arbitrary number of atoms. I might do this as follows, which isn’t type stable:

function testcross(n)
    nc = ntuple(i->Cd(i), n)
    nc2 = reduce(cross, nc)
julia> @code_warntype testcross(2)

  #self#::Core.Compiler.Const(testcross, false)
  nc::Tuple{Vararg{Cd,N} where N}
  nc2::Union{Cd, CrossProd}

Body::Union{Cd, CrossProd}
1 ─      (#3 = %new(Main.:(var"#3#4")))
│   %2 = #3::Core.Compiler.Const(var"#3#4"(), false)
│        (nc = Main.ntuple(%2, n))
│   %4 = Main.reduce(Main.cross, nc)::Union{Cd, CrossProd}
│        (nc2 = %4)
└──      return %4

A few questions:

  • Why is the type of variable nc indeterminate? Couldn’t the compiler infer the length of the tuple from the function argument?
  • Why does nc2 have the type Union{Cd, CrossProd}? I had expected it to be of type CrossProd{Tuple{Cd,Cd}}, as in the first example.
  • Can the definition of cross be changed so that reduce can infer the right type?


This is because you get Cd(1) from testcross(1). Note that the compiler only knows the type of n and not the value of it. If you want to check if const propagation works, you can wrap it in another function:

julia> f() = testcross(2)
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @code_warntype f()
  #self#::Core.Compiler.Const(f, false)

1 ─ %1 = Main.testcross(2)::Core.Compiler.Const(CrossProd{Tuple{Cd,Cd}}((Cd(1), Cd(2))), false)
└──      return %1

In this particular case, you can pass Val(2) to testcross as ntuple accepts Val types:

julia> @code_warntype testcross(Val(2))
  #self#::Core.Compiler.Const(testcross, false)
  n::Core.Compiler.Const(Val{2}(), false)

1 ─      (#3 = %new(Main.:(var"#3#4")))
│   %2 = #3::Core.Compiler.Const(var"#3#4"(), false)
│        (nc = Main.ntuple(%2, n))
│   %4 = Main.reduce(Main.cross, nc::Core.Compiler.Const((Cd(1), Cd(2)), false))::Core.Compiler.Const(CrossProd{Tuple{Cd,Cd}}((Cd(1), Cd(2))), false)
│        (nc2 = %4)
└──      return %4

Thanks for the explanation, @tkf. In the context I’m working in, there are two additional methods

Base.:(*)(t::Real, A::CrossProd) = CrossProd(map(a->t*a, A.a))
Base.:(*)(t::Real, A::Cd) = Cd(t*A.w)

which will be called repeatedly within a loop. My worry is that calls to the CrossProd variant will be dynamically dispatched and incur unnecessary overhead. In the code below, I replaced the call to reduce with a call directly to the CrossProd constructor:

function testcross(n)
    nc = ntuple(i->Cd(i),n)
    nc2 = CrossProd(nc)
    nc3 = 2*nc2

julia> @code_warntype testcross(3)
  #self#::Core.Compiler.Const(testcross, false)
  nc::Tuple{Vararg{Cd,N} where N}

1 ─      (#17 = %new(Main.:(var"#17#18")))
│   %2 = #17::Core.Compiler.Const(var"#17#18"(), false)
│        (nc = Main.ntuple(%2, n))
│        (nc2 = Main.CrossProd(nc))
│   %5 = (2 * nc2)::CrossProd
│        (nc3 = %5)
└──      return %5

The output of @code_warntype highlights the type for nc3 in red, even though it seems to correctly infer the type. Presumably that’s because of the dynamic dispatch.

Is there a way to reparameterize these types to avoid the type inference issue? Also, should I avoid using a tuple in the definition of CrossProd, and instead use an array?

Julia’s type inference is always correct (unless you hit by a bug) although it may not be concrete (see, e.g., ?isconcretetype). For example, CrossProd{Tuple{Cd,Cd}} is concrete but CrossProd is not (you don’t know how many Atoms it has). You’d want to have concrete types if you want speed (although small Union is OK). That’s why @code_warntype shows them in red.

It depends on your usecase. If you only have a few Atoms (or maybe a few tens of them if you are OK with long compilation time), I think using tuples is a good choice although you need to program carefully to make things type stable (e.g., you’d need to write things in “functional” style rather than using loops). If you have a lot of Atoms, I think using arrays is a better solution.

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