I created a function to convert Images.jl
’s packed format into a planar format:
using Images;
function ConverImagePlanarForm( mI :: Matrix{RGB{Normed{U, f}}} ) :: Array{U, 3} where{U <: Unsigned, f <: Integer}
# Converts from Julia Images Packed from to Planar form:
# R1G1B1R2G2B2R3G3B3 -> R1R2R3G1G2G3B1B2B3
dataType = FixedPointNumbers.rawtype(eltype(eltype(mI)));
return permutedims(reinterpret(reshape, dataType, mI), (2, 3, 1));
Since Images.jl
uses FixedPointNumbers.jl
’s types I parameterized both input and output on it.
In FixedPointNumbers.jl
’s documentation it is stated that:
type (aliased toNormed{UInt8,8}
) is represented internally by aUInt8
So the above should work.
I tested it with:
mS = Matrix{RGB{Normed{UInt8, 4}}}([0.1 1.0; 0.9 0.75]);
Matrix{RGB{N4f4}} (alias for Array{RGB{Normed{UInt8, 4}}, 2})
Which is great, since it means that U
will be parameterized as UInt8
and f
is indeed an integer.
julia> ConverImagePlanarForm(mS)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching ConverImagePlanarForm(::Matrix{RGB{N4f4}})
Closest candidates are:
ConverImagePlanarForm(::Array{RGB{Normed{U, f}}, 2}) where {U<:Unsigned, f<:Integer}
I don’t understand why it doesn’t catch the method defined as they should match.
I have a feeling that UInt8
’s type is something different.
Is there a correct way to achieve what I want?