I’m learning Linear Regression model with housing dataset from Kaggle.
Dealing with a problem to extract int or float from string make me some confusing.
# rename columns
renamed_df = rename(df2, Dict("Diện tích" => "Area", "Giá/m2" => "Price/m2"))
# convert "," => "." in string
comma_to_dot_column = map(x -> replace(x, "," => "."), renamed_df[:, "Price/m2"])
# extract int or float from string
for i in comma_to_dot_column
@show typeof(match(r"[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?", i).match)
The for loop returns error: type Nothing has no field match
despite the fact that all regex match in the column existing in RegexMatch datatype.
I migrate from Python to Julia so maybe missing some important concept about Julia Datatype in this code