Problem: say I have a type T
such that T <: Tuple
, and len
, a nonnegative Int
value. I want the intersection of T
and NTuple{len,Any}
Is it possible to solve the above correctly and exactly? I have three candidate solutions, but I don’t know if either of them is correct (or exact). I’m fine with an answer that would depend on the current state of the Julia master branch, because this question regards a potential PR to Julia.
One approach, giving rise to tuple_intersect_1
and tuple_intersect_2
below, is to simply call typeintersect
. Even though typeintersect
is not exact in general, maybe it is for this specific problem?
The other approach, giving rise to tuple_intersect_3
below, is to subtract (using Base.typesplit
) all the unwanted tuple lengths. I’m not sure if this is correct for all possible types T
The three candidate solutions:
struct NegativeLength <: Exception end
function ntuple_intersect_1(::Type{T}, ::Val{len}) where {T, len}
signbit(len::Int) && throw(NegativeLength())
S = NTuple{len,Any}
typeintersect(S, T)::Type{<:S}::Type{<:T}::Type{<:Tuple}
function ntuple_intersect_2(::Type{T}, ::Val{len}) where {T, len}
signbit(len::Int) && throw(NegativeLength())
S = NTuple{len,Any}
typeintersect(T, S)::Type{<:S}::Type{<:T}::Type{<:Tuple}
function ntuple_intersect_3(::Type{T}, ::Val{len}) where {T, len}
signbit(len::Int) && throw(NegativeLength())
typesplit(A::Type, B::Type)
Like `Base.typesplit`.
function typesplit end
typesplit( ::Type{A}, ::Type{B}) where {B, A<:B} = Union{}
typesplit(a::Type, ::Type) = a
function typesplit(a::Union, b::Type)
l = typesplit(a.a, b)::Type{<:a}
r = typesplit(a.b, b)::Type{<:a}
Union{l, r}::Type{<:a}
Like `ntuple(Returns(Any), v)`.
function ntuple_any end
ntuple_any(::Val{0}) = ()
function ntuple_any(::Val{n}) where {n}
(n::Int ≤ 0) && error("unexpected")
m = n - 1
t = ntuple_any(Val(m))::NTuple{m,DataType}
(Any, t...)::NTuple{n,DataType}
Creates a `Vararg` `<:Tuple` type of specified minimal length.
tuple_va_type_length_or_more(::V) where {V<:Val} = Tuple{ntuple_any(V())..., Vararg}
recursive_typesplit(::Type{T}, ::Val{0}) where {T<:Tuple} = T
function recursive_typesplit(::Type{T}, ::Val{len}) where {T<:Tuple, len}
n = len - 1
S = NTuple{n, Any}
TT = Type{<:T}
TTup = Type{<:Tuple}
R = typesplit(T, S)::TT::TTup
recursive_typesplit(R, Val(n))::TT::TTup
function ntuple_intersect_3(::Type{T}, ::Val{len}) where {T<:Tuple, len}
signbit(len::Int) && throw(NegativeLength())
TT = Type{<:T}
TTup = Type{<:Tuple}
More = tuple_va_type_length_or_more(Val(len + 1))::TTup
A = typesplit(T, More)::TT::TTup
recursive_typesplit(A, Val(len))::TT::TTup
Test suite (all tests pass, for all three candidates):
using Test
field_types(::Type{T}, ::V) where {T, V<:Val} = ntuple((i -> fieldtype(T, i)), V())
ftypes(f::F, ::Type{T}, v::V) where {F, T, V<:Val} = field_types(f(T, v), v)
@testset "ntuple_intersect" begin
T = Union{
Tuple{}, Tuple{Int64}, Tuple{Float64}, Tuple{UInt8,String}, Tuple{Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool},
Tuple{Vararg{Int8}}, Tuple{Int16,Vararg{Int16}}, (Tuple{X,X,Vararg{X}} where {X<:Int32}),
funcs = (ntuple_intersect_1, ntuple_intersect_2, ntuple_intersect_3)
@testset "f: $f" for f ∈ funcs
@testset "non-`Tuple` type" begin
@testset "NT: $NT" for NT ∈ (Union{}, Int32, Union{Int8,Int32})
@test f(NT, Val(0)) == f(NT, Val(1)) == f(NT, Val(2)) == Union{}
@testset "`Tuple` type" begin
@test ftypes(f, T, Val(0)) === ()
@test ftypes(f, T, Val(1)) == (Union{Int64, Float64, Int8, Int16},)
@test ftypes(f, T, Val(2)) == (
Union{UInt8,Int8,Int16,Int32}, Union{String,Int8,Int16,Int32},
@test ftypes(f, T, Val(3)) ==
let U = Union{Int8,Int16,Int32}
(U, U, U)
@test ftypes(f, T, Val(4)) ==
let U = Union{Bool,Int8,Int16,Int32}
(U, U, U, U)
One possibility in particular that’s a bit worrying is UnionAll
appearing somewhere in T
. Could that make some of the candidates misbehave?
EDIT: the first two candidates deal with Vararg
differently than the third candidate: the third candidate will never replace a Vararg
with an NTuple
, however this discrepancy shouldn’t matter for the application. The code and testset are updated.