Turning a stochastic simulator into a set of deterministic simulators by fixing the seed

Hello all,

I am given a stochastic simulator and would like to turn it into n deterministic simulators where each operates with a fixed seed. The simulators depend on some parameters that the user can specify.

My question is about the best practice so that I may use the deterministic simulators in parallel (e.g. in a distributed environment or as different threads) without running into issues. Constraints are that I am not allowed to change the given stochastic simulator. I will also have limited ability to inspect the internals of the provided stochastic simulator.

As a simple working example, I am given the following stochastic simulator

function external_simulator(mu=0, var=1)
    return mu+sqrt(var)*randn()

that implements a Gaussian random variable with mean mu and variance var. I am not allowed to change it.

To turn the simulator into a set of deterministic simulators, mathematically, I would draw n_i from a standard normal via randn() and then keep it fixed so that the deterministic simulators would be g_i(\mu, v) = \mu+\sqrt(v) n_i, for i=1,..., N where N is the total number of deterministic simulators.

Since I am not allowed to change the provided stochastic simulator, I currently use the following wrapper (closure):

using Random

function make_deterministic(usersim, id)
    function mysim(params)
        return usersim(params...)
    return mysim

where id is some identifier (number).

I then use make_deterministic to generate multiple deterministic simulators as follows:

sim1 = make_deterministic(external_simulator, 1);
sim2 = make_deterministic(external_simulator, 2);
# ...
sim100 = make_deterministic(external_simulator, 100);

Calling sim1 for different means
[sim1((mu,1)) for mu in 1:10]
gives, for example,
0.9294168610461021 1.929416861046102 2.929416861046102 3.929416861046102 4.929416861046102 5.929416861046102 6.929416861046102 7.929416861046102 8.929416861046102 9.929416861046102
which displays the desired behavior: the mean increases while the random bit (after the .) stays the same.

My questions are

  1. Is such an approach safe when used (a) serially on the same computer, (b) as threads on the same computer, (c) in a distributed environment (multiple compute nodes without shared memory)?
  2. Are there any restrictions on how I should define the id or can it be any Int?
  3. Are there any best practices on how to choose the id?

Many thanks for your help!