I am trying to model some data using a mixture model with Turing.jl, but I want to programmatically set the number of Gaussian in the mixture without having to edit the model. For example if I want ten Gaussians I don’t want to manually add 10
mu ~ Normal()
Currently my working ‘manual’ model looks like:
using Turing, Distributions
@model function gmm()
ω ~ Dirichlet(3, 1.0)
μ1 ~ MvNormal(zeros(2), I)
Σ1 ~ InverseWishart(2, [1 0;0 1])
μ2 ~ MvNormal(zeros(2), I)
Σ2 ~ InverseWishart(2, [1 0;0 1])
data ~ MixtureModel(
Product(fill(Uniform(-10,10), 2)),
MvNormal(μ1, Σ1),
MvNormal(μ2, Σ2)
catch me
if me isa PosDefException
Turing.@addlogprob! -Inf
I saw others recommend using something like the following:
using Turing, LinearAlgebra, Distributions
@model function test_mixture_model(;K = 3)
ω ~ Dirichlet(K, 1.0)
μ ~ filldist(MvNormal(5 .*ones(2), 5*I), K-1)
obs ~ MixtureModel(
id == 1 ? Product(fill(Uniform(-10, 10), 2)) : MvNormal(μ[id-1], I) for id in 1:K
catch me
if me isa PosDefException
Turing.@addlogprob! -Inf
model = test_mixture_model()
ϕ = MixtureModel([Product(fill(Uniform(-10,10), 2)), MvNormal(zeros(2), I), MvNormal([7,7], I)])
data_synth = rand(ϕ,1_000)
model_cond = model | (; obs = data_synth)
chain = sample(model_cond, NUTS(; adtype=AutoForwardDiff()), 1000)
However, I encountered an issue with all the μ
s becoming tied together, i.e. they contain similar values even though the ground truth has the clusters far apart. Then If I try to add Σ
as a parameter they don’t show up as inferred values.
Summary Statistics
parameters mean std mcse ess_bulk ess_tail rhat ess_per_sec
Symbol Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
ω[1] 0.3448 0.2338 0.0073 1037.2750 695.0540 1.0017 2160.9896
ω[2] 0.3301 0.2335 0.0078 864.5741 679.1482 1.0019 1801.1959
ω[3] 0.3251 0.2315 0.0077 845.4391 809.9245 1.0006 1761.3315
μ[1, 1] 4.9690 2.0700 0.0555 1356.5816 901.3844 1.0024 2826.2116
μ[2, 1] 4.9583 2.1976 0.0582 1411.3363 785.8980 1.0046 2940.2841
μ[1, 2] 5.0194 2.2868 0.0686 1111.6677 861.5815 0.9997 2315.9744
μ[2, 2] 5.0070 2.1828 0.0701 967.7597 786.9313 0.9993 2016.1660
To summarize, I would like to have a mixture model where the user can select the number of Gaussian to include. Additionally I would like the mean and covariance of those Gaussian to be inferred by the turing from the data. Is there a recommend way of doing this?