Here’s my cine reader, written with dicts instead of structs:
using DataStructures: OrderedDict
using Images: Gray
using FixedPointNumbers, ProgressMeter
function readcine(fname)
f = open(fname)
h = OrderedDict()
# Check magic number
read(f, UInt16) == UInt(18755) || error(basename(fname), " is not a .cine file")
fhtypes = OrderedDict( # File header
:HeadSize => UInt16,
:Compression => UInt16,
:Version => UInt16,
:FirstImageIndex => Int32,
:TotalImages => UInt32,
:FirstImageNum => Int32,
:ImCount => UInt32,
:OffImageHeader => UInt32,
:OffSetup => UInt32,
:OffImageOffsetscl => UInt32,
:TriggerFrac => UInt32,
:TriggerSec => UInt32
ihtypes = OrderedDict( # Image header
:ImHeadSize => UInt32,
:Width => Int32,
:Height => Int32,
:Planes => UInt16,
:BitDepth => UInt16,
:Comp => UInt32,
:SizeImage => UInt32,
:PxPerMX => UInt32,
:PxPerMY => UInt32,
:ClrUsed => UInt32,
:ClrImportant => UInt32,
:FPS => UInt16
for (ID, headertype) in fhtypes # Read .cine file header
h[ID] = read(f, headertype)
seek(f, h[:OffImageHeader])
for (ID, headertype) in ihtypes # Read image header
h[ID] = read(f, headertype)
bittype = h[:BitDepth] == 8 ? Gray{N0f8} : Gray{N4f12}
numframes = h[:ImCount]
numframes > 0 || error("no images exist in file")
seek(f, h[:OffImageOffsetscl])
imlocs = read!(f, Array{Int64}(undef, numframes))
i = 1
while read(f, UInt16) != 1002 # Get location of images
i += 1
h[:ImageOffset] = i
dt = zeros(numframes)
skip(f, 2)
for i = 1:numframes # Calculate dt for each frame
fracstart = read(f, UInt32)
secstart = read(f, UInt32)
dt[i] = (secstart - h[:TriggerSec]) + ((fracstart - h[:TriggerFrac])/2^32)
h[:DeltaT] = dt
img = zeros(bittype, h[:Height], h[:Width], numframes)
@showprogress .1 "Loading $(basename(fname)) " for i = 1:numframes
seek(f, imlocs[i])
skip(f, read(f, UInt32) - 4)
img[:,:,i] = rotl90(read!(f, Array{bittype}(undef, h[:Width], h[:Height])))
return img, h