Oscar, thank you for taking the time to reply. I’m certain this can’t be changed at this time, but I don’t think I agree with everything you are saying.
“The reason Julia drops dimensions is for consistency. If A
is a matrix, most people want A[i,j]
to be a scalar. In matlab, scalars don’t exist – this is produces a 1x1 matrix. This sucks for speed and efficiency and also just common sense. The generalization of this rule is that every scalar index drops the result a dimension. (this also comes from the fact that indexing a vector v
by v[i]
should also produce a scalar).”
I certainly agree that indexing a single element should produce a scalar. But I don’t agree that indexing multiple elements should always drop the dimensions to be consistent. I see these as being different operations and being consistent here achieves little functionality.
I have not found any arguments why vectors are necessary as opposed to arrays. I have a guess, and only a guess. My guess is that arrays in Julia may actually be coded as vectors of vectors, maybe the only container is a vector, with a vector being anything?
Even if Julia drops the dimensions, I don’t think this is really the problem. If one has an array A, one can initialize A[k,:] = rowVector. But one can not initialize A[k,:] = columnVector. Where I run into issues time and time again with Julia is when it changes rows to columns. I can’t see any reason why this should be done. If someone took a slice of a row of a vector and wanted a column, this is very easy to do using either transpose or ’ depending on whether it was complex or real, or using reshape(), or permutedims() (if one doesn’t want to be recursive?) etc.
If you want matlab like behavior, however indexing A[[i],:]
will produce a column matrix. This is fairly intuitive if you consider that A[[i1,i2],:]
needs to be a 2xm matrix, and type stability requires that A[[i],:]
has the same type as A[[i1,i2],:]
Again, this might be religion, but A[i],:] is a row; I personally don’t see why changing this into a column is intuitive. I think indexing A[[i],:]
should produce a row array. I also, think indexing A[i,:] should produce a row whether it is a vector or an array, and I personally think that a slice that produces multiple elements doesn’t need to be consistent with a slice that produces a single element in dropping dimensions. If this consistency achieved additional functionality, or I could see situations where not having the dropping of dimensions would cause issues, then I would change my opinion here.
Regarding the inefficiencies of not dropping dimensions. This is probably true if it results in a scalar, but I don’t know if this would be true for array to vector without being able to look into the code; I can’t think on any inherent reasons why this should be true.
Do you know why vectors are actually needed? I know you can only push! and pull! from vectors, so maybe this is the reason. However, if the indexing left the shape, and since you can assign a row vector to a row slice of a matrix, I think leaving the shape unchanged would be much more intuitive.