Hey ! I am trying to reproduce this python code in julia : (Supervised graph classification with Deep Graph CNN — StellarGraph 1.2.1 documentation).
While the GNN part is completely fine, I am finding myself to struggle with the implementation of a 1D Convolutional layer, and in general the CNN part.
So far my model is designed as follow:
model = GNNChain(GCNConv(4 => 32,tanh),
GCNConv(32 => 32,tanh),
GCNConv(32 => 32,tanh),
GCNConv(32 => 1,tanh),
Dense(32=>1,relu)) |> device
While debugging and implementing
the 6th layer
breaks and returns to me the error:
DimensionMismatch(“Rank of x and w must match! (2 vs. 4)”)
From what I understand and read online, ( Flux: 1D convolutions (on genomic data) - Specific Domains / Machine Learning - Julia Programming Language (julialang.org)) the dimension of the Conv layer expect 3 or 4d data however the dimension of the previous layer in my code is (1,30), therefore I believe this is where the mismatch comes from. However, I do not know what to do from here…
Here is a MWE data that you can use to pass through the model:
using GraphNeuralNetworks
using Flux
g = rand_graph(22080,175800)
graph = GNNGraph(g,ndata=rand(4,g.num_nodes))
model[1:6] (g,g.ndata.x)
Thanks for your help,
Your boi