Hi all,
does there exist a function which can transform a tuple type of the schema Tuple{Union, NonUnion, Union, ...}
, i.e. with Union types on the first level, such that the Union goes out and we have Union{Tuple{NonUnion, NonUnion, NonUnion, ...}, Tuple{NonUnion, NonUnion, NonUnion, ...}, ...}
For example
T = solutionfunction(Tuple{Union{Int, String}, Bool})
T == Union{Tuple{Int, Bool}, Tuple{String, Bool}}
Just wondering, why are you trying to do this?
This is from the I-really-hope-someone-improves-on-this school of problem solving, but
function solutionfunction(T::Type{<:Tuple})
combinations = collect(Iterators.product(map(Base.uniontypes, fieldtypes(T))...))
Union{map(c -> Tuple{c...}, combinations)...}
is a start:
julia> solutionfunction(Tuple{Union{Int, String}, Bool})
Union{Tuple{Int64,Bool}, Tuple{String,Bool}}
I am not sure if I am supposed to use Base.uniontypes
or not.
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I am currently experimenting with type-inference
thanks a lot @Tamas_Papp
I just understood your solution. It is very concise. Thank you very much for your effort!
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