Suppose I have a SharedArray and now I have a normal vector which contains some values. I want to update the elements of my Shared Array by this vector. How to do it? Basically I have sample code
using Distributed
@everywhere using LinearAlgebra
@everywhere using Random
@everywhere using SharedArrays
@everywhere function pool_check(q::SharedArray,Np)
pool_t = zeros(Np)
for i =1:Np
z1= q[rand(1:length(q))]
z2= q[rand(1:length(q))]
z = z1+z2
pool_t[i] = z
return pool_t
q = SharedArray{Float64}(100);
q .= 0.5;
ret = pmap(Np->pool_check(q,Np),fill(10^4,4));
q_new = reduce(vcat,[ret[i] for i = 1:4])
Now I want to use elements of q_new to replace elements of q. But when I try q = q_new, it is no longer a shared array. How to avoid this problem?
Oh it was my fault. There is a typo in the code, it should be
ret = pmap(Np->pool_check(q,Np),fill(25,4));
So q and q_new do have same dimensions. My previous problem was that when I tried q= q_new, q is no longer a Shared Array. I guess q .= q_new[1:end] may work.
If they have the same number of elements but different shapes, then you can do
q .= q_new[:] # allocates
q .= @view q_new[:] # surprisingly, allocates
q .= vec(q_new) # also allocates, surprisingly
copyto!(q, q_new) # this does not allocate, fortunately
for i in eachindex(q, q_new)
q[i] = q_new[i] # also no allocations
I guess copyto!(q, q_new) is the way to go, but I wonder why options 2 and 3 allocate.
Yes, they work. I am surprised that copyto! doesn’t allocate. This may be helpful considering the large pool size I use in my practical calculation. Thanks.
It’s completely natural that copyto! doesn’t allocate, it just copies over the elements. The surprise is that q .= @view q_new[:] and q .= vec(q_new) do.