You can also use JuMP directly by modifying these examples:
I had modified these examples for time optimal control of Dubins vehicle. See if you find them useful.
# Dubins Car Time Optimal Control using JuMP
using JuMP
import Ipopt
import Plots
# Create JuMP model, using Ipopt as the solver
dubins = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
n = 100 # Time steps
# Dubins vehicle parameters
u_max = 0.3 # Maximum Angular Input
# Decision variables
@variables(dubins, begin
Δt ≥ 0 # Time step
# State variables
x[1:n] # x-coordinate
y[1:n] # y-coordinate
θ[1:n] # Orientation
# Control variables
-u_max ≤ u[1:n] ≤ u_max # Thrust
# Objective: Minimize time
@objective(dubins, Min, Δt)
# Initial conditions
@NLconstraint(dubins, x[1] == 0.0)
@NLconstraint(dubins, y[1] == 0.0)
@NLconstraint(dubins, θ[1] == 0.0)
# Constraints for satisfying Dynamics
for j in 2:n
# x' = cos(θ)
@NLconstraint(dubins, x[j] == x[j-1] + Δt * (cos(θ[j-1]) + cos(θ[j])) / 2)
# y' = sin(θ)
@NLconstraint(dubins, y[j] == y[j-1] + Δt * (sin(θ[j-1]) + sin(θ[j])) / 2)
# θ' = u
@NLconstraint(dubins, θ[j] == θ[j-1] + Δt * (u[j-1] + u[j]) / 2)
# Constraints for not passing through circles
rc = 1.0
xc = 5.0
yc = [5 + 0.5 * i for i = 1:5]
for i = 1:n
@NLconstraint(dubins, (x[i] - xc)^2 + (y[i] - yc[1])^2 ≥ rc^2)
@NLconstraint(dubins, (x[i] - xc)^2 + (y[i] - yc[2])^2 ≥ rc^2)
@NLconstraint(dubins, (x[i] - xc)^2 + (y[i] - yc[3])^2 ≥ rc^2)
@NLconstraint(dubins, (x[i] - xc)^2 + (y[i] - yc[4])^2 ≥ rc^2)
@NLconstraint(dubins, (x[i] - xc)^2 + (y[i] - yc[5])^2 ≥ rc^2)
# Final time constraints
xf = 7.0
yf = 8.0
@NLconstraint(dubins, (x[n] - xf)^2 + (y[n] - yf)^2 ≤ 0.01)
# Solve for the control and state
# solution_summary(dubins)
# ## Display results
println("Time required: ", n * objective_value(dubins))
plt1 = Plots.plot(value.(x), value.(y), aspect_ratio = 1, legend = false, framestyle = :box)
# Circles
xt = zeros(n)
yt = zeros(n)
θt = LinRange(0, 2π, n)
for j = 1:5
global plt1
for i = 1:n
xt[i] = xc + rc * cos(θt[i])
yt[i] = yc[j] + rc * sin(θt[i])
Plots.plot!(plt1, xt, yt)
# Plotting final and initial locations
Plots.scatter!(plt1, [0, xf], [0, yf])
Plots.savefig(plt1, "dubins_obstacle.png")