to find min time to steer x0=0 to xf=100 for the dynamics x’=y, y’=u-a y-by^2, u= 1, 0, -1, a=b=0.4
(I’ve edited your title to be more descriptive; I hope that’s ok)
what have you tried? which packages are you trying to use if any?
Hi @BALWWE, welcome to the forum.
See, for example:
- Tutorials in the JuMP documentation: Rocket Control · JuMP
Or some related packages:
- GitHub - infiniteopt/InfiniteOpt.jl: An intuitive modeling interface for infinite-dimensional optimization problems.
- GitHub - JuliaControl/ModelPredictiveControl.jl: An open source model predictive control package for Julia.
- GitHub - control-toolbox/OptimalControl.jl: Solvers of optimal control problems