I am interested Universal PINNs (UPINNs) to describe some data. UPINNs are similar to a PINN, but we assume that the underlying DE model has known and unknown dynamics:
\dfrac{d\vec{u}}{dt} = F_{known}(\vec{u}) + F_{unknown}(\vec{u}).
To “discover” the unknown dynamics, we replace them with a neural network, F^{NN}[\vec{u}]. In total, we have two neural networks being trained jointly, \vec{u}^{NN}(t), representing the solution to the DE system, and F^{NN}[\vec{u}], representing the unknown dynamics. In particular, I am trying to apply this to data from the Lotka-Volterra Equation:
\dfrac{du_1}{dt} = \alpha u_1 - \beta u_1 u_2 \\ \dfrac{du_2}{dt} = -\delta u_2 + \gamma u_1 u_2 ,
while assuming the interaction terms are unknown. Meaning I’d train the PINN to satisfy
\dfrac{du_1}{dt} = \alpha u_1 - F^{NN}[\vec{u}]_1 \\ \dfrac{du_2}{dt} = -\delta u_2 + F^{NN}[\vec{u}]_2,
and also assume the constants \alpha and \delta are unknown.
I have tried to do this by updating the code from this notebook as follows:
using NeuralPDE, OrdinaryDiffEq, Lux, Random, OptimizationOptimJL, LineSearches, Plots
### Generate LV data
tspan = (0.0, 5.0)
function lotka!(du, u, p, t)
α, β, γ, δ = p
du[1] = α * u[1] - β * u[2] * u[1]
du[2] = γ * u[1] * u[2] - δ * u[2]
u0 = 5.0f0 * rand(rng, 2)
p_ = [1.3, 0.9, 0.8, 1.8]
prob = ODEProblem(lotka!, u0, tspan, p_)
LV_data = solve(prob, Vern7(), abstol = 1e-12, reltol = 1e-12, saveat = 0.25);
t_ = LV_data.t
u_ = reduce(hcat, LV_data.u)
### Create neural networks
rng = Random.default_rng()
Random.seed!(rng, 0)
n = 15
#NN representing u
chain1 = Chain(Dense(1, n, σ), Dense(n, n, σ), Dense(n, n, σ), Dense(n, 2))
ps1, st1 = Lux.setup(rng, chain1) |> f64
#NN representing unknown dynamics
chain2 = Chain(Dense(2, n, σ), Dense(n, n, σ), Dense(n, n, σ), Dense(n, 2))
ps2, st2 = Lux.setup(rng, chain2) |> f64
additional_loss(phi, θ) = sum(abs2, phi(t_, θ) .- u_) / size(u_, 2);
function lotka_upinns_rhs(u, p, t)
α, δ = p
û = chain2(u, ps2, st2)[1] # Network prediction
return [α * u[1] - û[1],
û[2] - δ * u[2]]
### Train the neural networks
opt = LBFGS(linesearch = BackTracking())
alg = NNODE(chain1, opt, [ps1,ps2]; strategy = WeightedIntervalTraining([0.7, 0.2, 0.1], 500),
param_estim = true, additional_loss)
prob = ODEProblem(lotka_upinns_rhs, u0, tspan,[1.0,1.0])
sol = solve(prob, alg, verbose = false, abstol = 1e-8, maxiters = 5000, saveat = t_)
Unfortunately, this gives the following error message
Only homogeneous arrays are allowed.
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base ./error.jl:35
[2] make_idx(data::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{NamedTuple{(:layer_1, :layer_2, :layer_3, :layer_4), NTuple{4, NamedTuple{(:weight, :bias), Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}}}}}, last_val::Int64)
@ ComponentArrays ~/.julia/packages/ComponentArrays/fwmmC/src/componentarray.jl:209
[3] #28
@ ~/.julia/packages/ComponentArrays/fwmmC/src/componentarray.jl:161 [inlined]
[4] (::ComponentArrays.var"#28#29"{Vector{Float64}, Base.RefValue{Int64}})(::Pair{Symbol, Vector})
@ ComponentArrays ./none:0
[5] iterate
@ ./generator.jl:47 [inlined]
[6] merge(a::NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}, itr::Base.Generator{Base.Pairs{Symbol, Vector, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:depvar, :p), Tuple{Vector{NamedTuple{(:layer_1, :layer_2, :layer_3, :layer_4), NTuple{4, NamedTuple{(:weight, :bias), Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}}}}}, Vector{Float64}}}}, ComponentArrays.var"#28#29"{Vector{Float64}, Base.RefValue{Int64}}})
@ Base ./namedtuple.jl:303
[7] make_idx(data::Vector{Float64}, nt::NamedTuple{(:depvar, :p), Tuple{Vector{NamedTuple{(:layer_1, :layer_2, :layer_3, :layer_4), NTuple{4, NamedTuple{(:weight, :bias), Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}}}}}, Vector{Float64}}}, last_val::Int64)
@ ComponentArrays ~/.julia/packages/ComponentArrays/fwmmC/src/componentarray.jl:159
[8] make_carray_args(A::Type{Vector}, nt::NamedTuple{(:depvar, :p), Tuple{Vector{NamedTuple{(:layer_1, :layer_2, :layer_3, :layer_4), NTuple{4, NamedTuple{(:weight, :bias), Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}}}}}, Vector{Float64}}})
@ ComponentArrays ~/.julia/packages/ComponentArrays/fwmmC/src/componentarray.jl:151
[9] make_carray_args(nt::NamedTuple{(:depvar, :p), Tuple{Vector{NamedTuple{(:layer_1, :layer_2, :layer_3, :layer_4), NTuple{4, NamedTuple{(:weight, :bias), Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}}}}}, Vector{Float64}}})
@ ComponentArrays ~/.julia/packages/ComponentArrays/fwmmC/src/componentarray.jl:144
[10] ComponentArrays.ComponentArray(nt::NamedTuple{(:depvar, :p), Tuple{Vector{NamedTuple{(:layer_1, :layer_2, :layer_3, :layer_4), NTuple{4, NamedTuple{(:weight, :bias), Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}}}}}, Vector{Float64}}})
@ ComponentArrays ~/.julia/packages/ComponentArrays/fwmmC/src/componentarray.jl:64
[11] #ComponentArray#21
@ ~/.julia/packages/ComponentArrays/fwmmC/src/componentarray.jl:67 [inlined]
[12] ComponentArray
@ ~/.julia/packages/ComponentArrays/fwmmC/src/componentarray.jl:67 [inlined]
[13] __solve(::ODEProblem{Vector{Float64}, Tuple{Float64, Float64}, false, Vector{Float64}, ODEFunction{false, SciMLBase.AutoSpecialize, typeof(lotka_upinns_rhs), LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling{Bool}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, typeof(SciMLBase.DEFAULT_OBSERVED), Nothing, SymbolicIndexingInterface.SymbolCache{Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}}, Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}, SciMLBase.StandardODEProblem}, ::NNODE{Chain{NamedTuple{(:layer_1, :layer_2, :layer_3, :layer_4), Tuple{Dense{true, typeof(sigmoid_fast), typeof(glorot_uniform), typeof(zeros32)}, Dense{true, typeof(sigmoid_fast), typeof(glorot_uniform), typeof(zeros32)}, Dense{true, typeof(sigmoid_fast), typeof(glorot_uniform), typeof(zeros32)}, Dense{true, typeof(identity), typeof(glorot_uniform), typeof(zeros32)}}}, Nothing}, LBFGS{Nothing, InitialStatic{Float64}, BackTracking{Float64, Int64}, Optim.var"#20#22"}, Vector{NamedTuple{(:layer_1, :layer_2, :layer_3, :layer_4), NTuple{4, NamedTuple{(:weight, :bias), Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}}}}}, Nothing, Bool, Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}, typeof(additional_loss), WeightedIntervalTraining{Float64}}; dt::Nothing, timeseries_errors::Bool, save_everystep::Bool, adaptive::Bool, abstol::Float64, reltol::Float32, verbose::Bool, saveat::Vector{Float64}, maxiters::Int64, tstops::Nothing)
@ NeuralPDE ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/5b5Gb/src/ode_solve.jl:374
[14] __solve
@ ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/5b5Gb/src/ode_solve.jl:342 [inlined]
[15] #solve_call#34
@ ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqBase/eTCPy/src/solve.jl:608 [inlined]
[16] solve_call
@ ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqBase/eTCPy/src/solve.jl:566 [inlined]
[17] #solve_up#42
@ ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqBase/eTCPy/src/solve.jl:1057 [inlined]
[18] solve_up
@ ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqBase/eTCPy/src/solve.jl:1043 [inlined]
[19] #solve#40
@ ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqBase/eTCPy/src/solve.jl:980 [inlined]
[20] top-level scope
@ In[10]:27
And I have no idea how to fix this, or if it is even possible to do this using NeuralPDE