I am training a NN with some synthetic data. I was running everything on REPL and things were going on the right direction, but when I tried to wrap my code inside a function()
to use custom training loops, my model(x)
started to return the same output every iteartion, as it would have stopped updating.
My code looks like:
using Flux;
using Flux.Optimise: update!;
using Flux: normalise;
using Flux: onecold;
using Flux: onehotbatch;
using Flux: @epochs;
using Flux: throttle;
ep_max = 2; # number of epochs
batch = 100; # batch size for training
lr = 0.001 # learning rate
spt = 0.01; # Split ratio: define % to be used as Test data
opt = ADAM(lr, (0.9, 0.8)); # Optimizer
time_show = 5;
dat_groups = 1:10;
dat_num = 100;
creating = false;
reading = true;
if creating
data_creator(dat_groups,dat_num); # I create data and store it
if reading
xtrain,ytrain = data_reader(dat_groups); #reads data
# batching data
datatrain, datatest = getdata(xtrain',ytrain',spt,batch); # DataLoader function in here
xtr,ytr = recoverdata(datatrain); # recovering training data, to be used if needed
xts,yts = recoverdata(datatest); # recovering test data, to be used if needed
m = layers(size(xtr,1),size(ytr,1)); # creates layers (6 layers, tanh)
ps = Flux.params(m); # initialize parameters
evalcb = () -> @show(loss_all(datatrain, m))
for i = 1:ep_max # run ep_max times for a single batch
Flux.train!(loss, ps, datatrain, opt, cb = throttle(evalcb, time_show));
@show accuracy(datatest, m)
function accuracy(dataloader, model)
acc = 0
for (x,y) in dataloader
@show model(x) # **HERE : MODEL ALLWAYS THE SAME**
acc += sum(onecold(cpu(model(x))) .== onecold(cpu(y)))*1 / size(x,2)
loss(x,y) = Flux.mse(m(x),y);
When I run this code, for instance, for 2 epoch iterations, it gives:
julia> include("main.jl")
size of X data is :(1000, 63)
size of Y data is :(1000, 6)
[ Info: Batching data...
[ Info: splitting into 990.0, 10.0
[ Info: Batching train data...
[ Info: Batching test data...
┌ Warning: Number of data points less than batchsize, decreasing the batchsize to 10
└ @ Flux.Data ~/.julia/packages/Flux/Fj3bt/src/data/dataloader.jl:64
[ Info: layers created....
loss_all(datatrain, m) = 0.3405524244181338
mod_x = Float32[0.21500134 0.25191692 ........]
acc += sum(onecold(cpu(model(x))) .== onecold(cpu(y)))*1 / size(x,2) = 0.2
accuracy(datatest, m) = 0.2
loss_all(datatrain, m) = 0.22800623235686412
mod_x = Float32[0.45594802 0.4247107 ........]
acc += sum(onecold(cpu(model(x))) .== onecold(cpu(y)))*1 / size(x,2) = 0.3
accuracy(datatest, m) = 0.3
In this experiment (on REPL) everything runs Ok, and it converges:
- cost function
loss_all(datatrain, m)
changes… -
accuracy(datatest, m)
changes… - and
changes, so it is updating…
On the other hand, if I put all the code (main.jl) above inside a function like this:
function all_the_code()
for i = 1:ep_max # run ep_max times for a single batch
Flux.train!(loss, ps, datatrain, opt, cb = throttle(evalcb, time_show));
@show accuracy(datatest, m)
I get
julia> all_the_code()
size of X data is :(1000, 63)
size of Y data is :(1000, 6)
[ Info: Batching data...
[ Info: splitting into 990.0, 10.0
[ Info: Batching train data...
[ Info: Batching test data...
┌ Warning: Number of data points less than batchsize, decreasing the batchsize to 10
└ @ Flux.Data ~/.julia/packages/Flux/Fj3bt/src/data/dataloader.jl:64
[ Info: layers created....
loss_all(datatrain, m) = 0.36721910246630546
mod_x = Float32[-0.23175366 -0.0057259724 ......]
acc += sum(onecold(cpu(model(x))) .== onecold(cpu(y)))*1 / size(x,2) = 0.2
accuracy(datatest, m) = 0.2
loss_all(datatrain, m) = 0.3670469086875309
model(x) = Float32[-0.23175366 -0.0057259724 ......] #
acc += sum(onecold(cpu(model(x))) .== onecold(cpu(y)))*1 / size(x,2) = 0.2
accuracy(datatest, m) = 0.2
So, you see, the model is not updating:
- Cost function
loss_all(datatrain, m)
allways stays the same (aprox 0.36). No matter how many iterations. -
accuracy(datatest, m) = 0.2
stays the same, on every iteration… -
model(x) = Float32[-0.23175366 -0.0057259724 ......] #
stays the same…
What is going on? Does anybody run into this same issue? Thaks and stay safe!
I would hate to stay on REPL. I always try to avoid the use of global variables, so I need to go inside a function()
, but I can’t go blind not knowing why this is happening.
could it be related to the CPU () function?
Note that I am not wrapping the training loop, but the entire function, could this be the issue?.
PD: I am using the same data for both experiments (my seed is the same, so that is Ok)…
any help is welcome, I’ve been stuck here for some time now…