TODAY JuliaUserGroupMunich: Jay Pottharst - Probabilistic Computation and Gen Primer

:round_pushpin:online, organized via meetup :spiral_calendar: TODAY, Monday 3. June 2024 :clock630: CEST 18:30

Probabilistic Programming with Gen.jl

Finally again some probabilities! Julia has a few packages for probabilistic modeling. Gen.jl, Turing.jl, and RxInfer.jl are just the best known ones. I feel very glad to welcome Jay Pottharst as our speaker to give an introduction to Gen.jl

:clock4: 18:30 - 19:30. Jay Pottharst: Probabilistic Computation and Gen Primer

Computing has long excelled at deductive reasoning in situations with complete certainty. More recently, it has been aimed at problems where uncertainty is intrinsic, and where probabilistic reasoning enables more robust solutions. ProbComp aims to provide expressive programming tools and design principles for working our intuitions in in this space. This talk will illustrate these ideas using the probabilistic programming language Gen.jl.

:clock5: 19:30 - 20:30. Time for further discussion

The event is going to be online. The link will be made available 10 min before the actual start. Please join 5 min ahead, the session is going to start on-time,

Looking forward to see you all,
Stephan Sahm

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Could you please record this, @schlichtanders? I am very interested but cannot join because I am quite busy now.


Yes, we got it recorded (not perfect quality, not sure why, but should work) - will be available soon.

For now, thanks to Jay Pottharst here the link to the slides

and here some further tutorials about Gen.jl

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