Timeseries power model without forecast - ACOPF

I have a model in PowerSystems.jl that looks like this:

I just want to run an acopf and dcopf with the data I have imported - I do not want to do any forecasting. However, I cannot get past the DecisionModel() as it tells me I do not have any forecasted data. Is there a way I can run an ACOPF without forecasting in PowerSimulations.jl?

This is a question for @jdlara-berkeley.

Do you want to solve a single-period OPF problem? You might want to use PowerModels.jl instead.

@odow @jdlara-berkeley I went with PowerSimulations.jl since I wanted to run this as a timeseries model (744 hours/timesteps) and it did not seem as though that was the purpose of PowerModels.jl.

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I"m not much help here, I’m afraid.

There’s a slack for Sienna that might be faster than waiting for Jose to look at discourse questions: