Time limits for unfocused discourse threads?

I still use Julia, but I left this forum two weeks ago - I still check in and here it is again. I left for this one reason - the imposition of time limits on discussions here. I got in trouble for my resistance to it and mbauman moved my post to limbo. I’ll take the chance again - because I believe in this languange. I understand that these open-ended / opinion-based questions can run wild and endlessly, but I think they’re important - Julia is starting to become regarded as elitist. This OP and the one you shut down last time are from sincere users trying to further Julia to a wider community. By shutting them down, you’re creating a Stack Overflow vibe here and you know what happened to them.

I’d encourage you gatekeepers to understand that the precise minds of brilliant software developers and users as exist here on this forum, may not make the best moderators. Let some fresh air in here, let people talk and brainstorm as long as the topic is Julia.

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