benslinux -
My approach to using Julia is mainly academic. As a retired engineering technician (age 70), I’m not employed in the computer science field, nor likely to be. After a few years of exploring the various low-level and high-level programming languages, I’ve chosen Julia as the one programming language to help me better understand programming itself. I like Julia for many reasons - its elegant syntax, its amazing REPL and packages and especially for its focus on math and science computation. I’m not interested in designing websites or creating apps or games. I’m studying Algebra and Trigonometry and will eventually move on to Calculus. I like that Julia can easily create plots and graphs, functions like parabolas, fractals, data sets and so much more.
I’m aware that there are many on this forum who have serious work to do. And I’m just playing with Julia - jumping around and learning its ways. So I’m a bit modest about asking questions here. When I have posted, I’ve been responded to with kindness and encouragement, as well as some tough-love answers - all on target. I am then sometimes overwhelmed by the complexity of the answers that I requested!
I thought I’d be clear about my personal approach here for those who might take the time to respond to my posts. I hope that my esoteric questions prove useful and maybe open topics that those who are busy with serious work wouldn’t have the time to contemplate. These questions will likely all be at an elementary level. As someone who’s coming to love this language, I think it’s something I can offer to the community and to Julia’s creators - ie - not answers, but maybe good questions.
Ben Santora