Issue is about BitArrays not being threadsafe. My reading: changing elements of a BitArray inside a Threads.@threads for
loop can give unpredictable results.
My question is similar, but not exactly the same. In my case, the function creates a new BitArray v
inside a Threads.@threads for
loop as in
function f2(N)
v = falses(N+1)
x = zeros(Int,N,N)
Threads.@threads for i = 1:N
v = falses(N)
v[i] = true
x[v,i] .= i
return x
Calling f2(3)
sometimes gives diagm(1:3), sometimes not. However, commenting out the v = falses(N+1)
statement seems to solve the problem. Alternatively, adding local v
also seems to solve the problem. Are these reliable approaches?