The VS Code debugger always gets stuck at the quadratic constraint definition of a JuMP model

The VS Code debugger always gets stuck at the quadratic constraint definition of a JuMP model. Please launch the debugger to run the following code in the VS Code in an environment where JuMP.jl is installed:

using Pkg

using JuMP
model = Model()
N = 300
P = rand(N, N)
@variable(model, x[1:N])
@constraint(model, con, x' * P * x >= 0) # The debugger will get stuck at here

What’s the reason? And, how do you debug in VS Code?

P.S. If N = 3, it will not get stuck. But 300 is not too large since one can run the code very fast without launching the debugger.

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The debugger runs in interpreter mode which can be much slower than compiled code. Infiltrator.jl preserves execution speed, though it’s not a full replacement for a stepping debugger, and last time I checked, it has compatibility problems when it’s run in VSCode rather than the terminal REPL.


True, but you can always work around that by running your code in the integrated terminal instead of using inline evaluation in the editor.