The last update of Symbolics from 6.29.2 to 6.30

Hello :slight_smile:

The last update of Symbolics is causing errors that have something to do with occursin(var_str, string(k)). I had to use this to retrieve the keys order of the solution variables … As soon as my code finish running I will show you the exact error thrown . Actually I downgraded Symbolics to @6.29.2 and the code seems to work now.

Nice Day to all of you

We had a bug that is hard to pinpoint in the last release (with caching + hash consing), we’re working through it ASAP.


Hi Chris

Meanwhile, we have the version 6.29.2 that is working very well along with those packages : DifferentialEquations, ModelingToolkit, DomainSets, Symbolics, MethodOfLines, CairoMakie, LinearSolve

Yeah… yank that release?


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Yanked, updating should give a working set again. We’ll get a patched release out soon but we have now found some new tests we need to check.