The documentation for @test suggests that if the expression returns either true of false, you should get back either Test.Pass or Test.Fail. However, running simply foo = @test false in the repl causes and error (so foo isn’t actually defined), and running it in a test set:
@testset "foo" begin
thing = @test false
Gives a Tuple{Test.Fail,Array{Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Base.InterpreterIP},1}}. So it seems there’s a discrepancy between the documentation and the actual behavior.
I guess the use of the word “returns” is in error, it probably should say “prints”. Is there something specific you want to do? If you need the result of a previous test so the following tests only execute under a successful situation you can do:
@testset "foo" being
thing = false
@test thing = ....
if thing == true
# additional tests
I’m putting several tests inside of a for loop, and I would like to know for which values of the iteration the tests fail. Your suggested workaround will definitely work for me
@testset "foo" being
for ii=1:10
thing = false
someResult = functionOfII(ii)
@test thing = ...# compare someResult to something else
if !thing
# print the value of ii