Tanslate code from PooledDataArray to CategoricalArray

I have this code in FixedEffectModels where a function takes a Dataframe as argument and returns a PooledDataArray. The goal of this function is to create a vector that indexes groups defined by different combination of vector values. For observations where one of the value was missing, the corresponding vector has a missing value. So for instance, we have

group([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]) = [1, 2, 3]
group([4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]) = [1, 2, 3]
group([4, 5, 6], [NA, 8, 9]) = [NA, 1, 2]

I don’t know how to translate the code to CategoricalArray. Could someone help me to translate it?

function group(x::AbstractVector) 
	v = PooledDataArray(x)
	PooledDataArray(RefArray(v.refs), collect(1:length(v.pool)))

function pool_combine!(x::Array{UInt64, T}, dv::PooledDataVector, ngroups::Integer) where {T}
	@inbounds for i in 1:length(x)
	    # if previous one is NA or this one is NA, set to NA
	    x[i] = (dv.refs[i] == 0 || x[i] == zero(UInt64)) ? zero(UInt64) : x[i] + (dv.refs[i] - 1) * ngroups
	return(x, ngroups * length(dv.pool))

function group(df::AbstractDataFrame) 
	isempty(df) && throw("df is empty")
	ncols = size(df, 2)
	v = df[1]
	ncols = size(df, 2)
	ncols == 1 && return(group(v))
	if typeof(v) <: PooledDataVector
		x = convert(Array{UInt64}, v.refs)
		v = PooledDataArray(v, v.na, UInt64)
		x = v.refs
	ngroups = length(v.pool)
	for j = 2:ncols
		v = PooledDataArray(df[j])
		(x, ngroups) = pool_combine!(x, v, ngroups)

function reftype(sz) 
	sz <= typemax(UInt8)  ? UInt8 :
	sz <= typemax(UInt16) ? UInt16 :
	sz <= typemax(UInt32) ? UInt32 :

function factorize!(refs::Array)
	uu = unique(refs)
	has_na = uu[1] == 0
	T = reftype(length(uu)-has_na)
	dict = Dict{eltype(refs), T}(zip(uu, (1-has_na):convert(T, length(uu)-has_na)))
	@inbounds @simd for i in 1:length(refs)
		 refs[i] = dict[refs[i]]
	PooledDataArray(RefArray(refs), collect(1:(length(uu)-has_na)))

Have you faced any particular difficulties?

In group, you could replace the PooledDataArray constructor call with:

CategoricalArray{Int,1}(v.refs, CategoricalPool(collect(1:length(levels(v)))))

Then the main differences are that you should use length(levels(dv)) instead of length(dv.pool), and CategoricalArrays.index(dv.pool)[dv.refs[i]] instead of dv.refs[i].

Thanks a lot. Could you succintly give me the reasons for the last two changes? I have a hard time understanding the source code of CategoricalArray.

That’s because values in dv.refs do not follow the ordering of the levels, they just follow the order in which each level has been created originally. That allows reordering the levels without adapting the references.