I ran the following code A = rand(2,3); A[1, 2 +1 ]
and I got this error ERROR: syntax: missing separator in array expression
. Same error with i=2; A[1, i +1]
, which is how I came across this. Of course, A[1,2+1]
works without issues. I was just wondering if this is supposed to happen. Thanks.
Hi @vvjn,
I believe this is intended. Allowing it might be dangerous because
you might just have forgotten a ,
instead of wanting to add something.
In that case this could be a silent error.
julia> [1, 2 +2]
ERROR: syntax: missing separator in array expression
julia> [1, 2+2]
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> [1, 2, +2]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
Okay, sounds good. I thought it was odd since 2 +1
works outside the array syntax.
Yes, unfortunately array syntax ([...]
) is one of the few places where whitespace has special syntactic significance.