Suppress Error message and draw another random numbs during simulation


I am trying to calculate the bias and mean squared errors, which need repetition of simulations.
The problem is my optimize result sometimes gives an error message of AssertionError: isfinite(phi_c) && isfinite(dphi_c) for some draw of random numbers (not always).
So, I want to ignore (suppress) the error and make another random draw until the objective repetition number is reached.

How would this be possible?

I want to give you my code, but it’s too long. Let me know if you guys need more info.

I think you’ll need to provide a minimal reproducible example. What packages are you using? What is the full stack trace of the error?

Note that your objective function (and constraints) almost certainly need to be deterministic. You should not use a different set of random values each time the objective function is called.

Thank you for the response. I think the minimal code is as follows. The problem I’m talking about is basically doing the last line a lot of times and calculating the mean of them. To do this, I need to ignore the error message during the for loop.

I’m not very knowledgeable about the issue you mentioned. Could you elaborate more?

using DataFrames, Random, LinearAlgebra, Distributions, LineSearches, Optim, NLSolversBase

function CRRA_bernoulli(ω::Real,x::Integer)
    if ω == 1.00
        val = log( exp(1), x )
        val = x ^ ( 1 - ω ) / ( 1 - ω )
    return val

function CRRA_EU(ω::Real,DP_monetary::Vector,p::Real)
    p * CRRA_bernoulli(ω,DP_monetary[1]) + (1-p) * CRRA_bernoulli(ω,DP_monetary[2])

function CE_EU(ω,EU)
    (( 1 - ω ) * EU) ^ ( 1 / ( 1 - ω ) )

function LogitProbx(λ::Real, U_x::Real, U_y::Real)
    exp( λ * U_x ) / ( exp( λ * U_x ) + exp( λ * U_y ) )

function loglikelihood_RPM_Logit(ω::Real,λ::Real,Data::Array,ω⃰::Vector)
    val = 0.0
    n_obs = size(Data,1)
    aggData = sum(Data, dims = 1) # make a row vector with aggregate choices.
    for DPindex = 1:4, prob_index = 1:9 # note that for p=1.0, it makes probability 0 or 1 which spoils loglikelihood method
        val += aggData[ (DPindex-1) * 10 + prob_index ] *
        log(exp(1), LogitProbx(λ, ω⃰[ (DPindex-1) * 10 + prob_index ], ω)) +
        (n_obs - aggData[ (DPindex-1) * 10 + prob_index ]) *
        log(exp(1), 1-LogitProbx(λ, ω⃰[ (DPindex-1) * 10 + prob_index ], ω))
    return val

function loglikelihood_RUM_Gumbel(ω::Real,λ::Real,Data::Array,DP::Matrix)
    val = 0.0
    p = [0.1:0.1:1;]
    n_obs = size(Data,1)
    aggData = sum(Data, dims = 1) # make a row vector with aggregate choices.
    for DPindex = 1:4, prob_index = 1:9 # note that for p=1.0, it makes probability 0 or 1 which spoils loglikelihood method
        X = aggData[ (DPindex-1) * 10 + prob_index ];Y = n_obs - X;
        Ux = CRRA_EU(ω,DP[ 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 1 : 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 2,1] , p[prob_index]);
        Uy = CRRA_EU(ω,DP[ 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 1 : 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 2,2] , p[prob_index]);
        Px = LogitProbx(λ, Ux, Uy); Py = 1-Px;
        lnPx = log(exp(1), Px); lnPy = log(exp(1), Py);
        val += X * lnPx + Y * lnPy;
    return val

function LeastSquareCE_ver1(ω_1::Real,λ::Real,Data::Array,DP::Matrix)
    val = 0.0
    p = [0.1:0.1:1;]
    n_obs = size(Data,1)
    aggData = sum(Data, dims = 1)
    for DPindex = 1:4, prob_index = 1:9
        X = aggData[ (DPindex-1) * 10 + prob_index ];Y = n_obs - X;
        Ux = CRRA_EU(ω_1,DP[ 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 1 : 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 2,1] , p[prob_index]);
        Uy = CRRA_EU(ω_1,DP[ 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 1 : 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 2,2] , p[prob_index]);
        CEx = CE_EU(ω_1,Ux); CEy = CE_EU(ω_1,Uy); maxCExy = max(CEx,CEy);
        Px = LogitProbx(λ, CEx - maxCExy, CEy - maxCExy); Py = 1-Px;
        val += (Px - X / n_obs) ^ 2
    return val

function DecisionProblemGenerator()
    DP1_monetary1 = [3850; 100];DP1_monetary2 = [2000; 1600];
    DP2_monetary1 = [4000; 500];DP2_monetary2 = [2250; 1500];
    DP3_monetary1 = [4000; 150];DP3_monetary2 = [2000; 1750];
    DP4_monetary1 = [4500; 50];DP4_monetary2 = [2500; 1000];
    DP1 = hcat(DP1_monetary1,DP1_monetary2);
    DP2 = hcat(DP2_monetary1,DP2_monetary2);
    DP3 = hcat(DP3_monetary1,DP3_monetary2);
    DP4 = hcat(DP4_monetary1,DP4_monetary2);
    DP = vcat(DP1,DP2,DP3,DP4);
    p = [0.1:0.1:1.0;]; # 10 questions for each gamble with different probability p

    return DP1_monetary1,DP1_monetary2, DP2_monetary1,DP2_monetary2,DP3_monetary1,DP3_monetary2,    DP4_monetary1,DP4_monetary2, DP, p

function Experiment_RUM(n::Integer,ω::Real,μ_ε::Real,λ::Real,
    # n: number of observations, λ: scale parameter
    # Generate Decision Problem
    DP3_monetary1,DP3_monetary2,DP4_monetary1,DP4_monetary2,DP,p = 
    # Generate data #
    U = rand(Uniform(0,1),n * 8) # error occurs for each lotteries.
    ε = μ_ε .- log.(exp(1), log.(exp(1), U) .* (-1)) ./ λ # Generated true data from Gumbel
    n_p = length(p); n_D = n_p * 4;
    Data = zeros(n,n_D);
    for i = 1:n, DPindex = 1:4, prob_index = 1:n_p
        if DPindex == 1
            Data[i,n_p * (DPindex-1) + prob_index] = 
            ifelse( CRRA_EU(ω,DP1_monetary1,p[prob_index]) + ε[(i-1) * 8 + (DPindex-1) * 2 + 1] > CRRA_EU(ω,DP1_monetary2,p[prob_index]) + ε[(i-1) * 8 + (DPindex-1) * 2 + 2], 1, 0)
        elseif DPindex == 2
            Data[i,n_p * (DPindex-1) + prob_index] = 
            ifelse( CRRA_EU(ω,DP2_monetary1,p[prob_index]) + ε[(i-1) * 8 + (DPindex-1) * 2 + 1] > CRRA_EU(ω,DP2_monetary2,p[prob_index]) + ε[(i-1) * 8 + (DPindex-1) * 2 + 2], 1, 0)
        elseif DPindex == 3
            Data[i,n_p * (DPindex-1) + prob_index] = 
            ifelse( CRRA_EU(ω,DP3_monetary1,p[prob_index]) + ε[(i-1) * 8 + (DPindex-1) * 2 + 1] > CRRA_EU(ω,DP3_monetary2,p[prob_index]) + ε[(i-1) * 8 + (DPindex-1) * 2 + 2], 1, 0)
            Data[i,n_p * (DPindex-1) + prob_index] = 
            ifelse( CRRA_EU(ω,DP4_monetary1,p[prob_index]) + ε[(i-1) * 8 + (DPindex-1) * 2 + 1] > CRRA_EU(ω,DP4_monetary2,p[prob_index]) + ε[(i-1) * 8 + (DPindex-1) * 2 + 2], 1, 0)
    end # Data has been generated #
    # Now we start the estimation with each model #

    ### 1. Start with RPM estimation ###
    ## To do the estimation, we have to find the ω(x,y) for each of the 40 problems ##
    ω⃰ = zeros(n_D);
    for DPindex = 1:4, prob_index = 1:(n_p-1)
        ω_init = -5.0 # Should start in a sufficiently small values to get the correct values #
        count = 1
        tol = 1000
        while abs(tol) > 10^(-8)
            tol = CRRA_EU(ω_init,DP[ 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 1 : 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 2,1] , p[prob_index]) - CRRA_EU(ω_init , DP[ 2 * (DPindex - 1) + 1 : 2 * (DPindex - 1 ) + 2,2] , p[prob_index])
            ω_renew = ω_init - tol / (CRRA_EU_Gradient(ω_init, DP[ 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 1 : 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 2 , 1 ],p[prob_index]) - 
            CRRA_EU_Gradient(ω_init, DP[ 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 1 : 2 * ( DPindex - 1 ) + 2 , 2],p[prob_index]))
            ω_init = copy(ω_renew)
        ω⃰[(DPindex - 1) * n_p + prob_index] = ω_init

    # Now we have the equalizer ω(x,y)s. Next is to do the MLE #
    opt_RPM_NelderMead = optimize(x->-loglikelihood_RPM_Logit(x[1],x[2],Data,ω⃰), 
    parameters_RPM_NelderMead = Optim.minimizer(opt_RPM_NelderMead)
    opt_RPM_SimulatedAnnealing = optimize(x->-loglikelihood_RPM_Logit(x[1],x[2],Data,ω⃰), 
    parameters_RPM_SimulatedAnnealing = Optim.minimizer(opt_RPM_SimulatedAnnealing)

    opt_RPM_LBFGS = optimize(x->-loglikelihood_RPM_Logit(x[1],x[2],Data,ω⃰), 
    init_RPM,LBFGS()) # Found out that autodiff = :forward doesn't work here
    parameters_RPM_LBFGS = Optim.minimizer(opt_RPM_LBFGS) 

    ### 2. Start RUM estimation ###
    ## we have already calculated the expected utility of the 36 problems ##
    opt_RUM_NelderMead = optimize(x->-loglikelihood_RUM_Gumbel(x[1],x[2],Data,DP), 
    parameters_RUM_NelderMead = Optim.minimizer(opt_RUM_NelderMead)

    opt_RUM_SimulatedAnnealing = optimize(x->-loglikelihood_RUM_Gumbel(x[1],x[2],Data,DP), 
    init_RUM,SimulatedAnnealing(),Optim.Options(iterations = 1000))
    parameters_RUM_SimulatedAnnealing = Optim.minimizer(opt_RUM_SimulatedAnnealing)
    opt_RUM_LBFGS = optimize(x->-loglikelihood_RUM_Gumbel(x[1],x[2],Data,DP), 
    parameters_RUM_LBFGS = Optim.minimizer(opt_RUM_LBFGS)

    opt_RUM_LBFGS = optimize(x->-loglikelihood_RUM_Gumbel(x[1],x[2],Data,DP), 
    init_RUM,LBFGS(); autodiff = :forward)
    parameters_RUM_LBFGS = Optim.minimizer(opt_RUM_LBFGS)
    ### 3. Start CE estimation ###
    opt_CE_NelderMead = optimize(x->LeastSquareCE_ver1(x[1],x[2],Data,DP), 
    parameters_CE_NelderMead = Optim.minimizer(opt_CE_NelderMead)

    opt_CE_SimulatedAnnealing = optimize(x->LeastSquareCE_ver1(x[1],x[2],Data,DP), 
    init_CE,SimulatedAnnealing(),Optim.Options(iterations = 1000)) # Didn't work
    parameters_CE_SimulatedAnnealing = Optim.minimizer(opt_CE_SimulatedAnnealing)

    opt_CE_LBFGS = optimize(x->LeastSquareCE_ver1(x[1],x[2],Data,DP), 
    init_CE,LBFGS(); autodiff = :forward) # Found out that autodiff = :forward doesn't work here
    parameters_CE_LBFGS = Optim.minimizer(opt_CE_LBFGS)    

    DF = DataFrame(Model = ["Random Parameter","Random Utility","CE"], NM_ω = [opt_RPM_NelderMead.minimizer[1],opt_RUM_NelderMead.minimizer[1],opt_CE_NelderMead.minimizer[1]],
    NM_λ = [opt_RPM_NelderMead.minimizer[2],opt_RUM_NelderMead.minimizer[2],opt_CE_NelderMead.minimizer[2]],
    NM_cvg = [Optim.converged(opt_RPM_NelderMead),Optim.converged(opt_RUM_NelderMead),Optim.converged(opt_CE_NelderMead)],
    SA_ω =[opt_RPM_SimulatedAnnealing.minimizer[1],opt_RUM_SimulatedAnnealing.minimizer[1],opt_CE_SimulatedAnnealing.minimizer[1]],
    SA_λ =[opt_RPM_SimulatedAnnealing.minimizer[2],opt_RUM_SimulatedAnnealing.minimizer[2],opt_CE_SimulatedAnnealing.minimizer[2]],
    SA_cvg = [Optim.converged(opt_RPM_SimulatedAnnealing),Optim.converged(opt_RUM_SimulatedAnnealing),Optim.converged(opt_CE_SimulatedAnnealing)],
    LBFGS_ω = [opt_RPM_LBFGS.minimizer[1],opt_RUM_LBFGS.minimizer[1],opt_CE_LBFGS.minimizer[1]],
    LBFGS_λ = [opt_RPM_LBFGS.minimizer[2],opt_RUM_LBFGS.minimizer[2],opt_CE_LBFGS.minimizer[2]],
    LBFGS_cvg = [Optim.converged(opt_RPM_LBFGS),Optim.converged(opt_RUM_LBFGS),Optim.converged(opt_CE_LBFGS)])
    show(stdout, MIME("text/latex"), DF)


I can’t run your code because CRRA_EU_Gradient isn’t defined.

To do this, I need to ignore the error message during the for loop.

Is something like this sufficient?

for _ in 1:5
        println("Something went wrong")

Thanks! I found out this one works!
By the way, do you happen to know how only to count the success of the try?
I was trying

while count < 10
        count += 1
        println("Something went wrong")
        count -= 1

But, in this case, the count goes to negative, so the while loop doesn’t end.
I want only to count the success; if the success count is over some number, then quit the loop.
Thank you for your help!

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I actually found out how! It’s just by brute force. Thank you anyways!

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You don’t need the count -= 1:

while count < 10
        count += 1
        println("Something went wrong")
        # count -= 1 You don't need this line
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