Suggestion on what Julia version to install in my class

Hi there

My Julia class on stochastic simulation methods (~ 50 students) is going to start the first weekend of October. As usual to minimize the noise I force everyone to install the same Julia version. Do you think that v1.10 will be available for that time? Or should I better stick to v1.9.3?

My preference for v1.10 would be an even quicker loading of packages (especially the graphic ones), but indeed v1.9.3 is already very much better than 1.8.

Another question for “teachers”. Do you advise using juliaup for the installation? The problem is that I do not use Windows, whereas the large majority of my students use it. With Linux and Mac OS, the julia binaries installation is normally very smooth. Not the same with windows though.

Looking forward to hearing your suggestions …



v1.10 is not released, so I’d suggest v1.9.3 since that’s the latest release.


juliaup is the best for windows, though the Julia binaries are really smooth on Windows too.

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