I have a private package (lets call it MyPkg.jl) that requires wrapping a very minimal c library. This c library provides a small subset of the package’s total capabilities. I have been playing w/ BinaryBuilder and I’ve been able to deploy a _jll package locally. However, this seems overkill for my needs. If I understand the BinaryBuilder docs correct, it seems like I would need to maintain a URL for the c src and a _jll repo in addition MyPkg.jl itself. Also, it is not clear of how these all interact. E.g. it seems to assume some upstream CI for building. I would prefer to keep all non-general repository dependencies self-contained in the MyPkg.jl repository.
Is there a recommended workflow for shipping the c source w/ the julia package and automatically building for the specific system?
If using the BinaryBuilder _jll is recommended, is there a way to deploy to a non GitHub repo, e.g. a private GitLab?