Successive optimization in JuMP

Sorry for the long post but I thought it is better to give more information. The question itself is not too long! I have given the mathematical formulation below and also my Julia code.

Possible solution approach
If we ignore constraint (2) and suppose adj is a constant, then constraint 1 can be made linear using the big M method. Using candidate values for x, we can use a root finding algorithm to find adj. We then update the value of adj in constraint (1), optimize again and use candidate values of x to find adj. The process is repeated until changes in adj are less than a certain threshold or we hit the limit for maximum number of iterations.
For this to work, I provide an initial guess value for adj. I have noticed that the final solution is somewhat sensitive to this guess value. I would like advice on the following two parts:

  • Part1: In the function, successive_linear I define an array adj_trials = [] (as I don’t know its dimension) to hold values for adj and I use push! to store values. A while loop is used to iterate with the condition for changes in adj to be within certain tolerance and number of iterations under a limit. Is there a better way of using the while loop with these conditions, either the way I store values in the array adj_trails or how I test for the termination condition? Should I also add changes in value of the objective function as an extra termination condition, i.e. if changes are less than a threshold?

  • Part2: Any suggestions for a better formulation of this problem or how the final solution could be made less sensitive to the initial? I don’t know if it is the Cbc solver that gives non-deterministic results or some other factor is playing up.

using JuMP, Cbc, Roots

function some_data()
    cost = [500,400,300,600,450]
    A= [100 120 130 140 150; 100 150 200 300 90; 100 200 150 140 150; 100 120 130 140 150; 200 300 400 500 200]
	b = [200, 300, 400, 1000, 500, 20, 30, 3]
	if size(A,2) < length(b)
		A = hcat(A,zeros(size(A,1),length(b)-size(A,2)))
	elseif length(b) < size(A,2)
		b = vcat(b,zeros(size(A,2)-length(b)))
	Factor1 = [0.001, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.028, 0.03,0.031, 0.035]
    Factor2 = [0.0015, 0.017, 0.022, 0.024,0.03, 0.0301, 0.0306,0.033]
    t = length(b)
    n = size(A,1)

    return cost, A, b, Factor1, Factor2, n , t

function indicator_cons(cost,A,b,Factor1,Factor2,M, n, t,adj_guess)
    model = Model(Cbc.Optimizer)
	adj_factor_trial = -1+(1+adj_guess)^(1/12)

    @variables(model, begin
    0 <= x[1:n] <= 1
    y_p[1:t] >= 0
    y_n[1:t] >= 0
    z[1:t], Bin

@expression(model, expr[i=1:t], A[:, i]' * x - b[i] + y[i])
fix(y[1], 0.0)

for i in 2:t
    @constraints(model, begin
        y_p[i] - y_n[i] == expr[i - 1]
        y[i] == (1+Factor1[i-1]) * y_p[i] - (1+Factor2[i-1]+adj_factor_trial) * y_n[i]
        y_p[i] <= M * z[i]
        y_n[i] <= M * (1 - z[i])
@constraint(model, con_zero, expr[t] == 0)
@objective(model,Min,sum(cost[i]*x[i] for i in 1:n))
return x,y,y_p,y_n,z, model

function factor_adj(cost,c,Factor2)
	f(x) = sum(c[i]/(1+Factor2[i]+x)^i for i in 1:length(c))-cost
	adj = find_zero(f, (0,1), Bisection())
  return adj

function successive_linear(;ftol=1.0e-9,adj_guess = 0.4,maxiter=20)
	cost, A, b, Factor1, Factor2,n , t = some_data()
	x,y,y_p,y_n,z, model = indicator_cons(cost,A,b,Factor1,Factor2,M, n, t,adj_guess)
	x_r = value.(x)
	y_r = value.(y)
	y_p_r= value.(y_p)
	y_n_r = value.(y_n)
	z_r = value.(z)

	adj = factor_adj(cost'*x_r,A'*x_r,Factor2)
	adj_trials = []
	iter = 1
	println("Iteration $(iter)")
	println("Adjustment factor $(adj)")
	while true
		iter += 1
		 x,y,y_p,y_n,z, model = indicator_cons(cost,A,b,Factor1,Factor2,M, n, t,adj)
		  JuMP.set_start_value.(x, x_r)
		  JuMP.set_start_value.(y, y_r)
		  JuMP.set_start_value.(y_p, y_p_r)
		  JuMP.set_start_value.(y_n, y_n_r)
		  JuMP.set_start_value.(z, z_r)

		 x_r = value.(x)
		 y_r = value.(y)
  	  	 y_p_r= value.(y_p)
   	  	 y_n_r = value.(y_n)
		 z_r = value.(z)

		 adj = factor_adj(cost'*x_r,A'*x_r,Factor2)
		 println("Iteration $(iter)")
	 	 println("Adjustment factor $(adj)")
		 tol =  adj_trials[iter] - adj_trials[iter-1]
		 println("Tolerance $(tol)")

		if abs(tol) <= ftol || iter > maxiter

	return x_r, adj_trials

x_r, adj_trials = successive_linear(;ftol=1.0e-9,adj_guess = 0.01,maxiter=20)

I thought I recognized this problem:

Is there a better way of using the while loop with these conditions

A while loop like this is fine. You could also define

iter = 1
tol = Inf
while abs(tol) > ftol && iter <= maxiter
    iter += 1
    # ...
    tol =  adj_trials[iter] - adj_trials[iter-1]

how the final solution could be made less sensitive to the initial?

I haven’t run your code, but my guess is that there are lots of local optima. Are you finding different x solutions with the same objective values? Or are the objective values different as well?

What does adj represent in reality?

Thank you.

Sorry, I used the same example as in my previous post for a different question, but didn’t referenced it.

I find different x values with different objective values, so objective values are different as well.
Actually adj is what I want to maximize, but I thought it will be harder to do that as (2) is nonconvex so I came up with this objective function which is linear. Adj represents a flat addition to some parameters Factor2, but it depends upon x values. A higher value of adj is better.

If I define the adj as JuMP variable @variable(model,adj) and change the following line of code y[i] == (1+Factor1[i-1]) * y_p[i] - (1+Factor2[i-1]+adj) * y_n[i]. This will make this constraint quadratic so it will no be supported by Cbc. Perhaps product of adj and y_n can be linearized. Then changing the objective function to maximize adj, we can find upper bound on value of adj. Not sure if it will help with the solving this problem as I am ignoiring constraint (2).

Can we write a JuMP constraint with if then else control statements and let a nonlinear solver to do the magic? I tried it but JuMP doesnt seem to support it, but I could be getting the syntax wrong.

Gurobi lets you have bilinear terms like this.

But the ^(1/12) is a problem you won’t be able to easily work-around.

I find different x values with different objective values, so objective values are different as well.

Did you try plotting the objective value against adj? What does that look like?

If adj is a scalar, and bigger values are better, you could just do a line search.

Thank you

Do you mean giving different guess values for adj and then running the optimization, and then plotting the ‘optimal’ adj and objective value? I did a plot of adj and objective based on that. It shows a closed arc type of shape at first sight, but if I examine it carefully the difference in results based on different guess values of adj is relatively small, but there are differences in x values. I don’t know if this is due to multiple local optima, but more likely looks like sensitivity of the solver. The data I am using has small and large values, which could be causing numerical issues.

Yes. If it is an arc, you could use something like golden-section search: Line search - Wikipedia

The data I am using has small and large values, which could be causing numerical issues.

Try a different solver like Gurobi and check you get similar results. Gurobi is more likely to warn you if it encounters numerical issues.

Thanks. I will explore these line search methods and see if it works!