Subplot saving error related to latex

Hi everyone!

I’m dealing with a saving subplots issue.
I created a subplots graph in a double for loop using Plots and LaTeXStrings, the graph is displayed correctly, I can save the graph with savefig, but it loses the axes labels and displays the following error
“‘latex’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
latex: failed to create a dvi file”

If I create a single plot with the same axes labels I don’t have this issue.

I’m copying below the part of the code of interest

plt = plot(layout = 7)

for a=1:size(mu_l,1)

        mu = mu_l[a,:]

        rho = rho_l[a,:] 

        sigma = sigma_l[a,:]  

        for aa = 1:size(pipe_d,1)


                this_bub_d = bub_d.*d

                A = (144*(mu.^2))./((g2^2).*(rho.^2).*(this_bub_d.^4))

                B = (mu.^(4/3))./((0.14425^2).*(g2^(5/3)).*(rho.^(4/3)).*(this_bub_d.^3))

                C = 1 ./ (((2.14 .*sigma)./(rho.*this_bub_d)).+(0.505 .*g2.*this_bub_d))

                u_park[:,aa] = 1 ./ sqrt.(A .+ B .+ C)

                Re_park[:,aa] = (rho.*u_park[:,aa].*this_bub_d)./mu

                wake_park[:,aa] = 50 .+ 190exp.((-0.62).*Re_park[:,aa].^0.4)

                for i=1:100

                        if wake_park[i,aa].> 180

                        wake_park[i,aa] = 180



                d_eff_park[:,aa] = this_bub_d.* (4 ./ ((2 .+ cosd.(wake_park[:,aa])).*((1 .- cosd.(wake_park[:,aa])).^2))).^(1/3)

                lambda_eff_park[:,aa] = d_eff_park[:,aa] / d

                lambda_park[:,aa] = this_bub_d / d

                Nf_pipe[:,aa] = (rho .* sqrt.(9.81 .* (d.^3)))./ mu

                Fr_t[:,aa]=0.34 .*((1 .+ (31.08 ./ Nf_pipe[:,aa]).^1.45).^(-0.71))

                slug_u[:,aa]=Fr_t[:,aa] .* sqrt.(9.81.*d)

                u_park_norm[:,aa] = u_park[:,aa] ./ slug_u[:,aa]


        plot!(plt[a],lambda_eff_park, u_park_norm, xlabel = L"\mathrm{\lambda_f}", ylabel = L"\mathrm{u_b/u_m}", ylim= [0,1], xlim = [0,1],

                minorticks = true, ickfont = font(7), xticks= [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1], yticks= [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1],minorgrid = :true, minorgridstyle = :dash, legend = :false, size = (800,600), 

                framestyle = :box, title = mu_l[a,:], dpi=600, scalefontsize= :2, fontfamily = :serif, palette= :tab20c, 

                lw = 0.5, subplot = a)   




I’d appreciate any input.