We are developing a Julia app, and we want to close the gap between running our code in development and production by making the bulk of our code agnostic to whether it’s running in either stage.
We have already set up logging in a way that the code is agnostic to whether the logs are development or production logs. However, we also want to be able to read and write other non-log files to different sources and destinations in such a stage agnostic way.
For logs we have implemented custom loggers that overwrite the Base.Logging.handle_message() function. At the very start of our code we set the main logger that we want using Base.Logging.global_logger() and then for most of our code we call macros such as @info() and @error() in a logger agnostic way.
What would be a good way to follow the same approach for reading/writing non-log files? My understanding is that macros such as @info() and @error() are for logs but that for reading or writing files we should be using functions like Base.open() / Base.read() / Base.write().
module MyProjectMain
import Logging: global_logger, ConsoleLogger, BelowMinLevel
include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "src/logging/logging_interface.jl"))
import .MyProjectLogging: FilesystemLogger, S3Logger, CloudwatchLogger, create_log_stream!, get_task_metadata
include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "src/run_app.jl"))
import .MyProjectApp: run_app
function julia_main()::Cint
# 1. Initialize log destinations
if ENV["STAGE"] == "Development"
logger_summary = ConsoleLogger(stderr, BelowMinLevel)
logger = FilesystemLogger(filefolder="/folder/")
elseif ENV["STAGE"] == "Production"
logger_summary = CloudwatchLogger(log_group="group")
create_log_stream!(logger_summary, "stream", logger_summary.group)
logger = S3Logger(bucket="bucket", filefolder="prefix/")
throw("Error. Set env var 'STAGE' = 'Development' | 'Production'")
# 2. Initialize sources/destinations for other non-log files
# if ENV["STAGE"] == "Development"
# ???
# elseif ENV["STAGE"] == "Production"
# ???
# 3. Run the app
julia_main(logger, logger_summary)