Student and Full-time jobs working on scientific modeling in Julia

GTRI is hiring Julia researchers

At the Georgia Tech Research Institute in Atlanta, GA, USA, I am leading a research project for using Julia to extract scientific knowledge from open source code bases which implement scientific and computational models. If you have experience in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), ML, AI, or Julia and this project sounds intriguing, please let me know.

I previously met a student on the julia-users mailing list and he came to GT for his Master’s degree. I supervised his research leading to two first author papers and a fantastic job in Tech.

My group also has positions available for full-time research scientists working in HPC, Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, ML, or AI. Positions are available for January, May, and August start dates.

If you are interested in working with me please follow up with a reply on discourse, a DM on this platform, Julia Slack, or @fairbanksjp on twitter.

Warm Regards,

James Fairbanks, PhD
Georgia Tech Research Institute


Applicant has to be an American citizen.


Can undergraduates take part in this too?

@TheCedarPrince is now the official GTRI delegate to the Julia Community. He might want to update this post if his group is hiring!


Haha, this is true! At this time, we are not hiring but I will certainly post back should I find out more information!

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Hi everyone! It is with great pride that I can announce my group is hiring at Georgia Tech Research Institute! I am a researcher at the Center for Health Analytics and Informatics and we are looking for Julians! Furthermore, if you are skilled with Tableau, we are REALLY looking for folks with that skill as well. This position is only open to US citizens. Details in the attached image. I am right now waiting on a link for where you could apply but in the interim, if you have any questions, feel free to DM me. Once I have the link, I can share it here too.


Too bad, this looks really interesting :smiley:

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