Stuck with infeasibility certificates in JuMP.jl

I’m trying to work with infeasibility certificates and different solvers.

MWE using GLPK:

using JuMP
import HiGHS, Gurobi, GLPK

model = JuMP.Model(() -> GLPK.Optimizer(; want_infeasibility_certificates = true))
@variable(model, x; lower_bound=0, upper_bound=10)
@variable(model, θ)
@objective(model, FEASIBILITY_SENSE, x + θ)

result_count(model)     # 1
JuMP.value(x)           # 0.0
JuMP.value(θ)           # 0.0

This seems to “work” (but just by using want_infeasibility_certificates, not depending on FEASIBILITY_SENSE, since it works with Min as well). Using HiGHS fails though:

using JuMP
import HiGHS, Gurobi, GLPK

model = JuMP.Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x; lower_bound=0, upper_bound=10)
@variable(model, θ)
@objective(model, FEASIBILITY_SENSE, x + θ)

result_count(model)     # 0
JuMP.value(x)           # ERROR: ...
JuMP.value(θ)           # ERROR: ...


  • print(model) “correctly” shows the objective as Feasibility
  • objective_function(model) still prints x + θ; does that mean that this is still being passed to the solver? I assume yes, since using @objective(model, FEASIBILITY_SENSE, x) influences which feasible solution the solver returns, depending on whether I pass x or -x as "objective. If so, is there an advantage of doing that (instead of passing any constant as objective function), besides that it enables us to later use set_objective_sense(...) to change it (which is nice for not rebuilding the objective function, but then maybe objective_function(…)should check theObjectiveSense`)?
  • Similar to want_infeasibility_certificates = true for GLPK using set_optimizer_attribute(model, "InfUnbdInfo", 1) for Gurobi works, again independent of FEASIBILITY_SENSE.
  • I assume it only fails for HiGHS, since I couldn’t find a solver specific attribute to set there.

Sticking to the documentation, I tried checking the TerminationStatus as well as the PrimalStatus:

Termination status : DUAL_INFEASIBLE | Primal status : NO_SOLUTION
Termination status : DUAL_INFEASIBLE | Primal status : INFEASIBILITY_CERTIFICATE
Termination status : DUAL_INFEASIBLE | Primal status : NO_SOLUTION

which indicates probably also that the InfUnbdInfo setting for Gurobi is properly detected, while want_infeasibility_certificates is not (so I can’t distinguish between a successful run and one that failed)?

So, maybe I’m looking for the wrong thing: Is there any solver-independent way to set the “I want infeasibility certificates” attribute (e.g. failing for solvers that do not support that, or just ignoring it and properly indicating that in the PrimalStatus).

In general, there is no guarantee that a solver will find an infeasibility certificate for an infeasible or unbounded problem. For example, in some cases that can prove infeasibility during preserve without generating a certificate.

If you have a solver that doesn’t return a certificate, you’ll generally need to change some solver-specific settings, the most common being to disable the solver’s presolve. For HiGHS, try setting "presolve" to "off": List of options · HiGHS Documentation.

Also, I need to double check what’s going on with explicitly providing FEASIBILITY_SENSE and an objective. The definition of FEASIBILITY_SENSE is that the model does not have an objective, so it’s likely that the solver is ignoring the objective. JuMP should probably throw an error here.

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