Still trying to get my head around the finesses of type hierarchies
I created the following struct:
struct Price
components::Dict{String, Float64}
Price(;precision::Integer) = new(Dict{String, Float64}(), precision)
function Price(components::Dict{String, <:Real}; precision::Integer = 2)
price = Price(precision = precision)
for entry in keys(components)
price.components[key] = round(components[key], digits = precision)
return price
Price(components::AbstractVector{Pair{String, <:Real}}; precision::Integer = 2) = Price(Dict{String, Float64}(components), precision = precision)
Base.getindex(price::Price, index:: String) = price.components[index]
Base.setindex!(price::Price, amount::Real, index:: String) = (price.components[index] = round(amount, digits = price.precision))
I expected the following call to succeed:
Price(["c1" => 50, "c2" => 150])
But alas, I get the following error:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Price(::Array{Pair{String,Int64},1})
Closest candidates are:
Price(; precision) at /Users/stef/Programming/Julia Projects/loreco-abm/src/finance/price.jl:7
Price(::Dict{String,var"#s44"} where var"#s44"<:Real; precision) at /Users/stef/Programming/Julia Projects/loreco-abm/src/finance/price.jl:10
Price(::AbstractArray{Pair{String,var"#s47"} where var"#s47"<:Real,1}; precision) at /Users/stef/Programming/Julia Projects/loreco-abm/src/finance/price.jl:20
[1] top-level scope at none:1
Iām pretty sure Iām overlooking something obvious here but to be honest I have no clue what.
Thanks in advance,