In a model I habe been building, I go to perform structural simplify upon it and it results in the following error MethodError: no method matching length(::SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Any})
The code to blame for this appears to be the following, specifically the first line calculating ΔE.
function fgr_electron_generation(egrid::Symbolics.Arr{Num, 1},DOS::Spline1D,ftot::Symbolics.Arr{Num, 1},hv::Num)
ΔE = egrid.-hv
return DOS.(ΔE).*ftotspl.(ΔE).*(1 .-ftotspl.(egrid))
This function is nested inside the following vector of equations.
eqs = [Δfe ~ fgr_electron_generation(egrid,DOS,ftot,hv),
Δfh ~ fgr_hole_generation(egrid,DOS,ftot,hv),
pc_sf ~ fgr_particleconservation(DOS,Δfh,Δfe,egrid,μ),
Δfshape ~ (Δfe*pc_sf)-Δfh,
δ ~ laser/fgr_excitation_internalenergy(Δfshape,DOS,egrid,μ),
Δflas ~ δ.*Δfshape]
I have been unable to reproduce an MWE so unfortunately I have had to give you the more convoluted real code. Sorry about that. Any help would be great? Thank you