That is true as has been demonstrated. However, to me it appears that people do not use the possibilities julia has to their full extent. Solutions like
never would have occured to me as a beginner !
Actually, from the introduction to Static Arrays which mentions a limit of about 100 in size at which the “normal” arrays become more efficient I came to a similar conclusion as the thread starter (I hope I understood him correctly, correct me if I am wrong !), i.e. that you cannot really use them if your actual arrays can be larger and that converting would be painful. As has been demonstrated this is wrong, it actually is quite painless and requires only small code changes.
Now, https://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/performance-tips/ does not even mention the word “static” ! And that for a problem which appears to be a stumbling block so often that two people asked basically the same question at the same time And as far as I tested this loop fusion and in-place operations (i.e. using
and/or .=
) does not give the best performance (ok, I should retest with static arrays) you can reach with for-loops in my case. This also appears to be something which happens for some more people, confirm https://discourse.julialang.org/t/efficient-finite-difference-operators/12439/11. While I can read that loop I also like the vectorized syntax. Although Pre-allocating-outputs points in the right direction.
EDIT: I also tried @. @views
which did not really help before going the pre-allocation route, rewriting quite some things and, to make pre-allocation work as it appeared to be orthogonal to fusion, doing everything in explicit loops. And the the array size thing got me by suprise
So it appears to me that it might be useful if these scenarios, which now have been already discussed and answered in these threads, could be included into a performance FAQ at some point ?
Thank you all very much for the helpful discussion.
Best Regards