Suppose I have several method definitions with the same function name. Is it possible to dispatch a method for specific arguments, store the dispatched function, and use it later?
For example, suppose I have types and methods for the types as follows:
abstract type MyAbs end
struct MyType1 <: MyAbs end
struct MyType2 <: MyAbs end
struct MyType3 <: MyAbs end
struct MyType4 <: MyAbs end
myfun(i::Int, m::MyType1) = ...
myfun(i::Int, m::MyType2) = ...
myfun(i::Int, m::MyType3) = ...
myfun(i::Int, m::MyType4) = ...
Now, I want to do something like this:
mvec = [MyType1(), MyType2(), MyType3(), MyType4()] # Vector{MyAbs}
for m = mvec
f = (dispatch myfun for typeof(m)) # store dispatched myfun in f
for i = 1:100
f(i, m) # execute dispatched method without dispatching it every iteration