I’m trying to follow the examples but having some issues. What’s going wrong here?
[8188c328] Stheno v0.7.1
# This file just shows how some of the basic manipulations you can do in Stheno work in
# practice. See the main documentation and the rest of this examples folder for more info.
# Set up the environment to run this example. Make sure you're within the folder that this
# file lives in.
# The time-to-first-plot issue means that this might take a little while.
using LinearAlgebra, Random, Stheno
using Stheno: posterior, logpdf, marginals
rng = MersenneTwister(123456)
# Construct a Matern-5/2 kernel with lengthscale 0.5 and variance 1.2.
k = 1.2 * transform(Matern52Kernel(), 0.5)
# Construct a zero-mean GP with a simple kernel. Don't worry about the GPC object.
f = Stheno.wrap(GP(k), GPC())
# Specify some locations at which to consider the GP.
N = 50
x = rand(rng, N) * 10
# Specify the variance of the noise under which we'll make observations of the GP.
# We could also have made this a `Real` to specify isotropic noise.
Σ = Diagonal(rand(rng, N) .+ 0.1)
# Construct marginal distribution over `f` at `x` added to some independent zero-mean
# Gaussian noise with covariance matrix `Σ`.
fx = f(x, Σ)
# Generate a sample from the prior.
y = rand(rng, fx)
# Compute the log marginal probability of the sample under the prior.
# logpdf(fx, y)
# Do inference: compute the posterior distribution over `f` given we observe it + noise to
# be `y` at locations `x`.
f_post = posterior(fx, y);
# Specify some points at which to plot the posterior.
Npr = 1000
xpr = range(-3.0, 13.0; length=Npr)
# Construct the posterior predictive distribution at `xpr`. Add some jitter.
fx_post = f_post(xpr, 1e-9)
# Draw samples from the posterior.
y_post = rand(rng, fx_post)
# Compute the marginal posterior predictive probability of the samples.
logpdf(fx_post, y_post)
# Compute the posterior marginal distributions. (We could equally have done this with `fx`).
posterior_marginals = marginals(fx_post)
julia> posterior_marginals = marginals(fx_post)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching marginals(::AbstractGPs.FiniteGP{AbstractGPs.PosteriorGP{Stheno.WrappedGP{GP{AbstractGPs.ZeroMean{Float64},ScaledKernel{TransformedKernel{Matern52Kernel,ScaleTransform{Float64}},Float64}}},NamedTuple{(:α, :C, :x, :δ),Tuple{Array{Float64,1},Cholesky{Float64,Array{Float64,2}},Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1}}}},StepRangeLen{Float64,Base.TwicePrecision{Float64},Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}},Diagonal{Float64,FillArrays.Fill{Float64,1,Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}}})
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