I have a non-linear system defined using ModelingToolkit. Now I want to plot the step response. I use the following code:
using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, DataInterpolations, Plots
TSR = 2.0:0.25:10.0
cp = CubicSpline(Cp, TSR)
# helper for step function
@inline function if_else(condition::Bool, @nospecialize(trueval), @nospecialize(falseval))
return ifelse(condition, trueval, falseval)
ModelingToolkit.@register if_else(x, trueval, falseval)
@eval ModelingToolkit using ..Main: if_else
# initial state
U0 = 9.0 # m/s
Pg_0 = 2.302e6 # W
step_time = 200.0 # s
step_size = 23000 # ΔPg in W, about 1% of initial value
@variables t ω(t) Pr(t) λ(t) Pg(t)
@parameters J R ρ A U Pg0
D = Differential(t)
eqs = [J * D(ω) * ω ~ Pr - Pg,
λ ~ ω * R/U,
Pg ~ Pg0 + if_else(t > step_time, step_size, 0.0),
Pr ~ 0.5 * ρ * A * U^3 * cp(λ)]
@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
sys = structural_simplify(sys)
u0 = [ω => 1.302, # initial value
D(ω) => 0.0] # initial estimate
# system parameters
p = [ J => 4.0470e+07,
R => 63,
ρ => 1.225,
A => 1.2469e+04,
U => U0,
Pg0 => Pg_0]
# simulation parameters
tspan = (0.0, 1000.0)
ts = 0:0.01:1000.0
# run the simulation
prob = ODEProblem(sys, u0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(prob, Rosenbrock23(), dt=0.01, saveat=ts)
# plot the result
X = sol.t
OM = sol(X, idxs=ω)
plot(X, OM)
I get the following plot as result:
Which looks nice, but it is very wrong. The step happens at 200s, but already at 184 s the output changes. Expected result: A transition from the upper level to the lower level similar to a first order system.
What am I doing wrong?
Remark: Without the step function the output is correct.